Quantum VS Help: System Administration

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Setting Up Multi-Currency Selling

Multi-Currency selling functionality will be enabled for Multi-Currency Selling customers, using their selling currency, when the following conditions are met:

Prerequisites: Setting Up Quantum VS For Multi-Currency Selling

To set up Quantum VS for Multi-Currency Selling you will need to do the following:


1.      In Optional Enhancements, in the Sales Ledger tab, option 030 (6SL0030) - Multi-currency Processing - must be enabled. See Optional Enhancements.


2.      In Optional Enhancements, in the Price Book tab, option 633 (8PB00633) - Multi-currency Selling Environment - must be enabled. See Optional Enhancements.


3.      The Multi-Currency field in the General tab of the Sales Ledger must be checked. See Sales Ledger: General Record.


4.      The currency-related Table Files CURR and SCUR must be set up with appropriate currency values. See Defining 'Currency' Table Files For Multi-Currency Use.


Note: The first Table File Entry ID currency value - 001 - in the SCUR Table File must be the 'home currency' (e.g. GBP, for companies based in the UK) with the Exchange Rate set as 1.000000. All subsequent Table File Entry ID currency values - 002 and so on - in the SCUR Table File will be considered as alternative operational 'foreign' selling currencies.


5.      You will need to specify your system default - or 'home' - currency in the Home Currency Code field in the Selling tab of the Price Book General control record. See Price Book General: Selling Record.

Customer Prerequisites For Multi-Currency Selling

Provided a valid Multi-Currency Selling Environment has been enabled, a Customer will be considered for Multi-Currency Selling if:


1.      They are a credit account sales customer; i.e. the Account Type field, under Customer Classification in the General details tab of the Customer record, is set to Credit Account Customer (1). See Entering Customer General Details.


2.      The Export field, under Customer Options in the General details tab of the Customer record, is checked. See Entering Customer General Details.


3.      The Currency Code field, under Monetary Information in the General details tab of the Customer record, is set to a value greater than 1 (i.e. the customer uses a different currency to the 'home'/system currency). See Entering Customer General Details.


Note: Menu values used in the Currency Code field are set up and maintained in the SCUR Table File. See Defining 'Currency' Table Files For Multi-Currency Use.


Prohibited For Multi-Currency Customers:

For Multi-Currency Selling customers, the following will not be allowed:


NEXT: Defining 'Currency' Table Files For Multi-Currency Use