Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Entering Alternative Products

When you enter product line details the Alternate Products window may appear if there are insufficient stocks of the current product available to fulfil the order:


Note: The Alternate Products window will display when insufficient stock is available only if Alternative Products have been entered for the product within the Product record. See Setting Up Alternative Products.


In this example, we have requested 20 units of the product MILANO1. The Alternate Products window has displayed because there are insufficient stocks of this product available:




The window displays a range of 'alternative products' the customer may want to order instead. The system has, by default, entered the requested quantity against the next 'alternative product' in the list (MILANO2).


If you do not wish to order any of the suggested 'alternative products', click No to close the window. No product line details are entered and you may continue with the Sales Order procedure.


To enter any of the suggested 'alternative products':


1.      Either:



2.      Click OK to close the window. The specified 'alternative' products and quantities are added to the Sales Order.


NEXT: Auto Add-ons, Top Sellers And Associated Products