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Entering Product Line Details

After you have completed the header details for the Sales Order (or Quote, Sales Enquiry, Sales Contract, or Credit Note) and clicked [Tab] your cursor will be focused on the first Product Code field ready for you to enter the products required by the customer.


The basic procedure for adding product lines to a sales document is simple:

See Adding Product Lines.


Note: You also have the option of using Product Enquiry to add previously-ordered products. See Entering Product Lines With Product Enquiry.


Various elements are displayed on the line, allowing access to useful information/facilities. See Understanding Product Lines.


Additional Product-related details display in the Properties: Product Panel.


Note: Although the standard method is to add Products and other line types manually, there are facilities to copy Product lines from other documents and document types - see Product Line Right-Click Options. You may also populate the Product line fields by converting an open Sales Order to a Quote (or vice versa), or by converting an open Sales Enquiry to a Quote or Sales Order, by duplicating one type of completed sales document as another document type (e.g. duplicating a completed Sales Order as a Sales Contract).

Note: When a product flagged for 'batch traceability' is entered as a Sales Order line, the system automatically selects the Batch Number, Serial Number and/or Bin Location of the product. You may review/edit this allocation by selecting the line and clicking Shift + [F4]. See Editing Sales Order Batch Allocations.


A range of additional features are available at the line-adding stage, including:


For Sales Orders, Quotes and Sales Enquiries only:


For all sales document types:


For Sales Orders only:


For Sales Orders and other sales document types:


See Additional Procedures When Adding Product Lines for a full list and further details.


Note: To review the full Sales Ordering procedure see Working With Sales Orders.


NEXT: Adding Product Lines