Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Price Bands Tab

The Line Pricing window (Negotiation View) enables users with the required permissions to view and manipulate a range of price and cost variables for a Product line when a sales document (Sales Order, Quote, Sales Enquiry, Sales Contract, Credit Note) is open. See Line Pricing (Negotiation View).


Select the Price Bands Tab to view - and if necessary, select one of - the price bands available for the product, and any Regulator discount available. These are set in the Product Record. See Recording Price Details. For example:




The tab lists the various price bands available for the product, and any Regulator discount available. These are set in the Product Record. See Recording Price Details. Potentially multiple price bands may be available.


To select a price band: click Select on the appropriate line.


When you have finished, click either:


Or: view/amend prices and discounts in one of the other tabs. See Line Pricing (Negotiation View).


NEXT: Special Prices Tab