Quantum VS Help: Credit Control And Reviews

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Adding The Credit Review Letter To Quantum VS

Once the Credit Review Mail Merge document has been created  - see Creating A Credit Review Letter In Word - and copied into an appropriate directory on the Quantum VS server (and the location/path to the file on the server noted), it will then be necessary to make the file accessible to Credit Reviews within Quantum VS. To do this:


1.      Either:


Your Credit Review Letters control record will open in a new tab:




Existing saved Credit Review Letters are shown, listing their Name, Description and Path.


2.      To add a new Credit Review Letter, click Add on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


3.      The Letter Form opens:




Initially, each field will be empty. Enter the following:


4.      Click Accept to enter the letter details (or Cancel to close the window without saving the details).

Next Steps

The letter will now be listed in the Credit Review Letters control record tab. It will now be available for selection in any Credit Review Rules and Actions.


When you click Submit Actions after running a Credit Review, the document is opened in Word. Individual letters are automatically generated for each customer, each separated by a page break, with the Mail Merge fields populated with information from the Quantum VS Customer record.


For further information see Running A Credit Review and Submitting Credit Review Actions.


NEXT: Editing Saved Credit Review Letters