Quantum VS Help: Credit Control And Reviews

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Submitting Credit Review Actions

When you have selected the customers to be included in any Actions selected by the Credit Review, you may implement those Actions. These might include:

Updating Customer Account Status

To submit 'Status Changes' Actions after running a Credit Review:


1.      Do one of the following, as described in Reviewing Credit Review Actions.


2.      You will see a list of customers meeting the Credit Review criteria. Click to select customers for the Action (i.e. customer account Status will be updated), as described in Reviewing Credit Review Actions.


Note: The ability to select/deselect customers means you may potentially submit Actions for some customers now and defer submission of Actions for other customers until later. See Deferring Credit Review Actions.


3.      Click Submit Actions on the Toolbar - Sub Menu:




4.      The Status of the selected customers is updated.


5.      When all Actions have been submitted for the Credit Review you will need to mark the Credit Review as complete. See Completing the Credit Review.

Telephoning Customers

To submit 'Telephone Calls' Actions after running a Credit Review:


1.      Do one of the following, as described in Reviewing Credit Review Actions.


2.      You will see a list of customers meeting the Credit Review criteria. Click to select customers for the Action (i.e. customers to be called), as described in Reviewing Credit Review Actions.


Note: The ability to select/deselect customers means you may potentially submit Actions for some customers now and defer submission of Actions for other customers until later. See Deferring Credit Review Actions.


3.      Click Submit Actions on the Toolbar - Sub Menu:




4.      Effectively you have now created a customer 'call list'. You may now call each customer in the list. You may use Call Manager to contact customers using Quantum VS's integrated telephony system.


5.      When all Actions have been submitted for the Credit Review you will need to mark the Credit Review as complete. See Completing the Credit Review.

Generating Batch Letters

To submit 'Letters To Be Sent' Actions after running a Credit Review:


1.      Do one of the following, as described in Reviewing Credit Review Actions.


2.      You will see a list of customers meeting the Credit Review criteria. Click to select customers for the Action (i.e. customers to send letters to), as described in Reviewing Credit Review Actions.


Note: The ability to select/deselect customers means you may potentially submit Actions for some customers now and defer submission of Actions for other customers until later. See Deferring Credit Review Actions.


3.      Click Submit Actions on the Toolbar - Sub Menu:




Note: Please ensure that the specified letter has been properly created and saved. If you see a warning message saying 'The location of the letter is invalid', follow the procedure described in Defining Credit Review Letters to ensure that letter has been saved on the shared server used by Quantum VS, then re-run the Credit Review.


4.      If the defined letter template was a:


5.      When all Actions have been submitted for the Credit Review you will need to mark the Credit Review as complete. See Completing the Credit Review.


NEXT: Deferring Credit Review Actions