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Alternative Stock Unit Maintenance

Alternative Stock Unit Maintenance enables the creation and maintenance of Stock Unit records which cross reference a 'base' stock unit with equivalent units and quantities. A Stock Unit record can be linked to a Product record so that the Customer or Sales Clerk, when adding the product to a sales document, may enter a quantity in any one of the stock units available for the Product, rather than being limited to ordering in the product's 'base' stock unit.


Example: The Acme Bathroom Tiles range comprises boxes of tiles of different colours. Each box contains 12 tiles, weighs 2 kilos and covers a total square meterage of 1.04. The product's unit of measure is defined in the Product record. So if the 'base unit' is Each, customers may only order a quantity of individual tiles.


It might help boost sales if you allow customers to buy these tiles in different units of measure, such as by the box, by the square metre, and even by weight, as well as individually.


This can be achieved by creating a Stock Unit record. Here you will define as many alternative stock units as you wish (e.g. box, kilo, m2) in addition to the 'base' stock unit (e.g. each). Features within the Stock Unit record make it easy to convert one unit into another (e.g. Box = Each multiplied by 12) and enter rounding requirements. The Stock Unit Record may then be linked with the Product records of all items in the Acme Bathroom Tiles range.


Thus, when ordering a product from the Acme Bathroom Tiles range, the customer/Sales Clerk may enter a quantity in their preferred unit of measure. For example: if the customer needs enough tiles to cover 1.5m2, they can order the required quantity in square metres, instead of having to guess how many individual tiles they require, or buying 2 boxes and having tiles left over. The system will automatically work out the quantity of the entered stock unit required for picking/despatch, and also the price.


You may maintain Stock Unit records to suit the different product types and groups you stock, to cross-reference alternative related units of measure, enabling the Sales Clerk or customer to easily switch between them when working with Sales Orders and other sales documents.


This section covers:

Setting Up Alternative Stock Units

Stock Units Table File

Available units of measure in which products can be stocked are held in the Stock Units (STKU) Table File. See Table File Maintenance.


Stock Unit Records

Stock Unit records may be created, viewed, edited and deleted. See Stock Unit Record Maintenance


Existing Stock Unit records are accessible from the Finder. See Finding Stock Unit Records.


Product Records

Products are linked with a Stock Unit record via the Stock Unit field on the Product record. See Recording General Product Details.


NEXT: Selecting Stock Units At Sales Document Entry