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Customer Contacts Tab: Viewing Customer Contacts

You may view, edit, search for and add contacts and contact details for the current customer by selecting the Customer Contacts tab within a Customer record.


Note: An alternative method of finding and opening a Contact record is to use the Finder to search for the Contact. See Finding Contacts.


To view Customer Contacts:


1.      Find and open the Customer record for the required customer. See Finding Customers.


2.      Click the Customer Contacts tab:




3.      Contacts recorded for this customer are listed. Click the link in the 'ID' column to open the Contact record for viewing and/or editing. For details see Viewing A Contact Record.

Finding Customer Contacts

If there is more than one page of contacts you may click the blue arrow keys to scroll backwards and forwards through pages of contacts.


To search for a particular contact, enter a search term in the available field, then click the Search (magnifying glass) icon  Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif.


To display all Contacts again, delete the search term then click the Search (magnifying glass) icon  Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif.

Adding Customer Contacts

You may also add new Contacts for a selected customer in this tab - see Adding Customer Contacts.


NEXT: Adding Customer Contacts