Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Delivery Charges Maintenance

Quantum VS has various available forms of delivery charge which may be added to a Delivered or Direct Sales Order (or Quote or Sales Enquiry):


Note: For details on applying any type of delivery charge to a sales document see Adding A Delivery Charge.


Haulage Charges

The default method for applying delivery charges is to add a Manual 'haulage charge' line to the sales document. Manual Lines are used for entering non-product 'charge items' not already on your database, such as a haulage charge.


The simplest method is for the user to manually add the haulage charge as a manual line on the Sales Order (or Quote/Sales Enquiry).


Alternatively, the system may be configured so that - for qualifying Customers - the Add Manual Price Line to... window appears automatically on completion of the Sales Order (or Quote/Sales Enquiry), prompting the user to either enter the  default haulage charge set for the Customer or enter a new one.


For further details see Adding Haulage Charges.


Note: For standard haulage charges to apply, neither Carriage Charges or Premium Delivery Charges (see below) must be set up on your system.

Note: In order for the Add Manual Price Line to... window to pop up automatically on completion of the Sales Order (or Quote/Sales Enquiry), a haulage charge must be entered in the Haulage Charge field within the General Details tab of the customer's Customer record.


You may, however, wish to employ the following more advanced delivery charge types:


Carriage Charges

Carriage Charges may be applied to a 'Delivered' or 'Direct' Sales Order (or Quote/Sales Enquiry) based on the total order value (excluding VAT). For the Carriage Charge to apply, the customer's Customer record must be flagged as being subject to Carriage Charges. Also, the order value must fall within one of the Carriage Charge Bands set up in the Carriage Charge Bands control record.


The Carriage Charge Bands control record holds a table comprising up to 12 Carriage Charge Bands. This defines the Carriage Charge value which will be applied, based on the total order/quote value (excluding VAT).


In situations where Carriage Charges apply (i.e. for a qualifying Customer, on a Delivered or Direct Sales Order (or Quote/Sales Enquiry) with a value falling within one of the Carriage Charge Bands which have been set up) the user/Sales Clerk may enter an appropriate Carriage Charge to the order at the point of sale, which will be presented to the user on completion of the Sales Order. The user/Sales Clerk has the option to (a) accept the carriage charge that is automatically obtained, (b) reject the carriage charge or (c) change its value.


If you have set up the required Carrier, Carrier Service Level and related records (see Carrier Maintenance), the user/Sales Clerk will be able to select (manually or via the system default) a:

The user/Sales Clerk may potentially track orders via the Carrier's website and also change the Carrier and/or Carrier Service Level at any point up until the goods have been delivered.


To set up and maintain Carriage Charges see Carriage Charge Bands Maintenance.


Premium Delivery Charges

Premium Delivery Charges are a form of delivery charge which may be used alongside, or instead of, Carriage Charges. Whereas Carriage Charges are used to apply a delivery charge based on the total value of the Sales Order (or Quote/Sales Enquiry), Premium Delivery Charges are used to apply an additional - or 'premium' - delivery charge to a Sales Order (or Quote/Sales Enquiry).


For example, you might set up a series of Premium Delivery Charges to make the following delivery/charging options available:

... and so on.


For Premium Delivery Charges to apply, each 'Premium Delivery' charging option must be set up and saved in a separate Premium Delivery Charge record. The customer's Customer Record must also be flagged as being subject to Premium Delivery Charges in order to qualify.


If Premium Delivery charging options have been set up and the Customer qualifies, on completion of a Sales Order (or Quote/Sales Enquiry) the Sales Clerk is prompted to select a Premium Delivery Charge option on behalf of the customer, which will be added to the cost of the Sales Order/Quote.


When the user/Sales Clerk selects a Premium Delivery Charge they may also select (manually or via the system default) a Carrier and Carrier Service Level, similar to when Carriage Charges are applied (assuming you have set up the required Premium Delivery Charge, Carrier, Carrier Service Level and related records - see Carrier Maintenance).


To set up and maintain Premium Delivery Charges see Premium Delivery Charges Maintenance.


NEXT: Carriage Charge Bands Maintenance