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Examples: Works Order Processing Of A Plated Product

The following examples show the full Works Order Processing cycle, including the relevant system-generated documents and user actions required, for a plated product when a Works Order is initiated from a:

Note: The following examples assume: (a) an 'internal' default Works Order Customer record has been created; (b) the User has Back-To-Back Ordering and all appropriate User Roles/Permissions enabled; (c) Branch and Price Book settings for Works Order Processing have been configured. For further details see Configuring Your System For Works Order Processing.

Prerequisites For Works Order Processing

The plated product used in this example is Shiny Screws.


We do not keep any free stock of Shiny Screws. When stock is required, we send a product we usually keep in stock - Dull Screws - to an external Supplier - 'Peter's Platers' - to be processed (in this example, gold plated). The goods are returned to us as Shiny Screws, which may then be sold.


To generate free stock of the Shiny Screws when it is Sales or Purchase ordered and no free stock exists, we have created a Works Order Process record which holds details of the:

Notes: (1) Product records must exist for the input product(s) (Dull Screws) and input product(s) (Shiny Screws). (2) Potentially, Input and Output products may be flagged for Batch/Bin/Serial Number traceability, but are not in this example. (3) In this simple example, the Works Order Process requires a specified quantity of a single Input Product (100 Dull Screws) and an equivalent quantity of a single Output Product (100 Shiny Screws). In reality it is possible to have multiple Input and/or Output Products with different input/output quantities, depending on your requirements.

Note: We are using an external Supplier in this example; hence the Works Order Process record references an existing 'external' Supplier record. However, if processing was to be performed 'in-house', the Works Order Process would reference our own 'internal' Supplier record - see Creating A Default Works Order Supplier.

See Creating A Works Order Process Record Manually.


Raw Materials Requirements

In all of the following examples we will assume sufficient free stock of the required raw materials - Dull Screws - is available. If there was insufficient stock of Dull Screws when Sales or Purchase Ordering Shiny Screws, a Back-To-Back Purchase Order would first be auto-generated to order the Dull Screws, assuming Back-To-Back ordering is enabled; otherwise, they would be placed on Back Order and would have to be Purchase Ordered manually.


In these examples we will be supplying the 'input' products to be processed (Dull Screws). However, there is the potential option to order the 'finished' product (Shiny Screws) from the Supplier as per a standard product, without the need to order/supply/pick/despatch any of the 'input' materials/components. For details see Works Orders 'Use Raw Materials' Options.


NEXT: Purchase Ordering A Plated Product Via A Works Order Process