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Configuring Your System For Works Order Processing

To configure your system for Works Order Processing, the following records will need to be created/edited/enabled. Note that some of the following steps are optional, and some are only required for existing Quantum VS Users/Customers who used the 'old' Kits features and are upgrading Quantum VS to a version featuring Works Order Processing for Kits.


It is recommended that you first define your default Works Order Branch/Customer/Supplier records and system settings in the order described below. You may then create or edit any necessary Product, Kit and Works Order Process records, if new records are required (see note). You may then set up required Roles and User Permissions. Finally, it is recommended that when using Works Order Processing you enable Back-To-Back Sales and Purchase Ordering.


Note: If you are upgrading to a version of Quantum VS featuring Works Order Processing (v9.3 or later) from an earlier version and have existing Kit records (and Kit-flagged Product records) in place, note that on upgrade the system will automatically generate Works Order Process records to match your existing Kit records (and Kit-flagged Product records) so that stock of these Kits may be generated automatically from Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Kit Make Up.


This section includes:

Creating A Works Order Stock Holding Branch

It is recommended (although this step is optional) that you first create a Branch record called Works Order Stock Holding Branch.


The purpose of having a Works Order Stock Holding Branch defined is that it will enable Users to view the amount of stock of a Product which is currently 'out for processing'; i.e. when a 'Works Order input' product has been picked and despatched to an internal or external works for processing/assembly, before the 'finished' or 'assembled' items have been received into stock. The User may view the quantity of stock being held for a product in this 'virtual processing area' by selecting the Works Order Stock Holding Branch in the Product Finder.


Create and save a new Branch record with the following settings:




Enter details as follows:

For further details see Creating A New Branch Record.


Once this 'virtual' Branch record has been created, it will need to be entered/selected in the:

The set-up of these records is discussed below.

Creating A Default Works Order Customer

The next step is to create a Default Works Order Customer record. This is a required step for Works Order Processing.


Note: Do not re-use an existing Customer record to create your Default Works Order Customer. Any credit limits or settlement discounts on the record may affect the system's ability to process a Works Order.


The Default Works Order Customer will be the 'internal' Customer entered by the system on the 'Works Order' Sales Order, Picking Note and Despatch Note when a Works Order is raised and your own company is ordering the 'input' goods required for plating or Kit assembly.


Create and save a new Customer record with the following settings:




Enter details as follows:

For further details see Creating A New Customer Record.

Creating A Default Works Order Supplier

The next step is to create a Default Works Order Supplier record. This is a required step if:


Create and save a new Supplier record with the following settings:




Enter details as follows:

Note: Although typically the Default Works Order Supplier will be an internal Supplier (for internal Kit assembly or processing/plating - see above), potentially the Default Works Order Supplier could be an external Supplier, in which case the Internal Account field should not be checked.

For further details see Creating A New Supplier Record.

Price Book General Record > Miscellaneous Tab Settings

Enter details of the 'default' Works Order Customer and Supplier records created above in the following fields in the Miscellaneous tab of the Price Book General control record:

For further details see Price Book General: Miscellaneous Record.

Branch Record > Miscellaneous Tab Settings

The Miscellaneous tab of the Branch record also has Default Works Customer and Default Works Supplier fields. Definitions are the same as above.


These can be used to apply specific defaults to a Branch which are different to those in the Price Book General control record. If these fields are:

For further details see Adding Branch Miscellaneous Details.

Works Order Process Records

Works Order Process records are the main records used in Works Order Processing. Each Works Order Process record holds details of the 'Works Order' process used in generating stock of a 'finished' product or assembly, such as:


Each Works Order Process record links the Product code of the 'output' product(s) - e.g. the plated product(s) or Kit - with the Works Order Process required to create it. The record will also hold details of the (internal or external) Supplier used to perform the process (e.g. Kit assembly or plating) and the cost of providing the service; the Input and Output Products; the Branches who will have permissions to raise this Works Order, issue stock and hold the stock; and more.


When Is Manual Works Order Process Record Creation Necessary?

When a Kit record is created and saved, a Works Order Process record is created automatically, featuring the Kit as the 'output' product. This Works Order Process record is used to 'assemble' (i.e. generate stock of) the Kit from an initial Sales Order, Purchase Order or Kit Make Up procedure. So manual creation of a Works Order Process record is not required for Kits. See Creating A New Kit.


However, manual creation of a Works Order Process record is required if you wish to 'output' any item which is not a single Kit, such as:


For further details see Creating A Works Order Process Record Manually.

Product Records

Existing Product records must be in place for all products which will be added as 'input' or 'output' products on the Works Order Process record - see Creating A New Product Record.


The Works Order Process used to create free stock of the Output Product must be recorded in the Works Order Code field of the Product record - see Recording General Product Details.


The Use Raw Material field in the Product record can be used to define default 'Use Raw Materials' options. See Works Orders 'Use Raw Materials' Options.


Depending on whether processing will be done externally or 'in-house', the Product record of the 'finished' item will need to reference either an existing (external) Supplier or your Default Works Order Supplier in the Buying Details tab - see Entering Buying Details.

Kit Records

If you will be using Works Order Processing to generate free stock of a Kit product (i.e. a product assembled from several components/sub-assemblies), you will need to follow the standard procedure for creating a Kit. This involves first creating a Kit-flagged Product, then creating a Kit record to define the Kit's components and other details. A Works Order Process record will then be created automatically. See Creating A New Kit.


Assuming you are assembling the Kit internally, the Kit-flagged Product record should reference your Default Works Order Supplier in the Buying Details tab - see Entering Buying Details.

Works Orders: User Roles/Permissions

The following User Permissions are used to enable/disable the User's ability to perform Works Order-related actions in Quantum VS:


User Permission



File Maintenance > Works Order Process:




If this User Permission is enabled, the User may create Works Order Process records. See Creating A Works Order Process Record Manually.




If this User Permission is enabled, the User may edit Works Order Process records. See Editing A Works Order Process Record.




If this User Permission is enabled, the User may delete Works Order Process records. See Deleting A Works Order Process Record.




If this User Permission is enabled, the User may view Works Order Process records in the Finder. See Finding Works Order Process Records.


Sales Desk > Works Order:




If this User Permission is enabled, the User may view Works Orders in the Finder. See Finding Works Orders.



Enabling User Permissions

User Permissions are enabled or disabled for a User via the Role they have been assigned - see Creating Roles.


User Permissions may be switched on or off for the current session only by selecting Tools > User Permissions from the Toolbar - Main Menu to display the Edit User Session Permissions Window (requires supervisor permissions). Check the boxes to allow permissions to the relevant application functions, then click OK. The procedure is similar to that used when Creating Roles.


Note: Newly-created User Permissions are typically not set for a User when upgrading to a new release of Quantum VS.

User Record > IO Control Fields Tab

In the User record > IO Control Fields Tab you will need to enter the default print destination for the following Works Order-related document types being output by this User: Works Order (Sales Orders), Works Order Purchase Orders, Works Order Picking Notes and Works Order Despatch Notes.


For further details see Defining User IO Control Fields.

Back-To-Back Orders: User Roles/Permissions And Optional Enhancements

It is recommended that when using Works Order Processing you enable Back-To-Back Sales and Purchase Ordering. This means that when a Sales Order includes one or more Product lines which have no free stock (since a Works Order is required to create stock of those products) and is therefore Back Ordered, a Purchase Order will be generated automatically on Sales Order Completion.


For details of Back-To-Back Ordering-related User Permissions and Optional Enhancements see Enabling Back-To-Back Sales And Purchase Ordering In Quantum VS.


Note: You may still process Works Orders without enabling Back-To-Back Sales and Purchase Ordering, except it will be necessary to manually raise the Purchase Order following initial Sales Order Completion to order the back order stock generated by the Works Order Process.

Supplier Plating Charge Records

Supplier Plating Charge records may optionally be used to apply the Supplier's costs of processing the raw materials based on the weight. See Supplier Plating Charge Maintenance.


NEXT: Works Order Process Maintenance