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Kit Construction And Stock Availability

When working with Kits you may query your stock records to check how many units of a particular Kit - and its components - are in stock, either at a particular Branch or at All Branches. See Checking Kit Component Product Availability.


Once you have checked availability you may then wish to 'make up' Kits. This involves 'making up' free stock units of a Kit (at a required Branch if necessary), while downdating stock units for the Kit's components.


If the Kit Product record has been flagged for 'batch traceability' using the 'Batch Reference' or 'Multi-Bin' methods, you must assign a Batch Reference and/or Bin Location when 'making up' the Kits. When a Kit includes 'batch traceable' component products, you must specify the Batch/Serial Number/Bin from which to take the component stock when Making Up Kits.


See Making Up Kits.


Note: For Kits stocked at Kit Level, a system of Works Order Processing is used to automatically generate free stock of the Kit - and any required components - when it is ordered via the Kit Make-Up procedure, or alternatively from a Sales Order or Purchase Order. For examples, see Works Order Processing Of A Kit Product.


You may also need to dismantle - or make down - Kits. This involves 'making down' free stock units of a Kit, while updating stock units for the Kit's components.


When a Kit includes 'batch traceable' component products, you must specify the Batch/Serial Number/Bin into which to place the component stock when Making Down Kits.


See Making Down Kits.


Note: 'Making Up' and 'Making Down' Kits applies to Kits stocked at Kit Level only, and not to Kits stocked at Component Level. See Kit Make Up And Stock Control Flags.


This section covers:


NEXT: Checking Kit Component Product Availability