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Examples: Works Order Processing Of A Kit Product

The following examples show the full Works Order Processing cycle, including the relevant system-generated documents and user actions required, for a Kit product when a Works Order is initiated from a:

Note: The following examples assume: (1) 'internal' Default Works Order Customer and Supplier records have been created; (2) the User has Back-To-Back Ordering and all appropriate User Roles/Permissions enabled; (3) Branch and Price Book settings for Works Order Processing have been configured. For further details see Configuring Your System For Works Order Processing.

Prerequisites For Works Order Processing

The Kit product used in this example is KITNORMAL. This Kit has two component products - COMPONENT1NORMAL and COMPONENT2NORMAL.


We do not usually keep any units of KITNORMAL in free stock. Whenever we have no free stock of the Kit or its components, we can use a Works Order Process to generate stock so that the Kit may be sold.


About Kit And Works Order Process Creation

Before the Works Order Process record can be generated for the Kit we are selling, we need to create the following records:

See Creating A New Kit.


When the Kit record is saved, the system automatically generates a Works Order Process record and writes the Works Order Code to the Kit Product record.


About The Works Order Process Record

To enable the generation of free stock of KITNORMAL via a Works Order Process, we have in place a Works Order Process record which holds details of the:

Notes: (1) Potentially, the Kit Product may flagged for Batch/Bin traceability (but not Serial Number traceability), but is not in this example. (2) Potentially, the component products can be flagged for Batch/Bin/Serial Number traceability, but are not in this example. (3) In this simple example the Output Product is a single Kit, while the Input Products - the Kit's components - are standard products. In reality, the Works Order Process can have multiple Input and/or Output Products, which may potentially be a combination of Kit Products and standard Products, depending on your requirements.


Component Requirements

In all of the following examples we will assume sufficient free stock of the required components - COMPONENT1NORMAL and COMPONENT2NORMAL - is available. If there was insufficient stock of either of these components when Sales or Purchase Ordering KITNORMAL, various options are possible:


NEXT: Purchase Ordering A Kit Product Via A Works Order Process