Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Luckins Product Maintenance

Quantum VS integrates with the Luckins catalogue, enabling you - the user/merchant - to promote the goods listed in the Luckins catalogue for sale, while minimising the potentially laborious process of converting Luckins product/price data into Quantum VS Product records. The updating of Luckins data, and conversion of Luckins product/price data into Quantum VS Product records, is handled by the system automatically.


Note: The Luckins catalogue is a database compiling up-to-date price and product data for over one million products from hundreds of suppliers. Luckins price update files are provided on CD, via email and from the Luckins FTP site. The service is used by many industries, but primarily by the electrical, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and plumbing sectors. See http://www.luckinslive.com/


The system works as follows. Each weekly Luckins catalogue update is downloaded to the Quantum VS server, updating the data tables and allowing products from the Luckins catalogue to display in the Quantum VS Product Finder with the latest Luckins price and supplier data.


There is no need to set up Quantum VS Product records and order goods into stock beforehand for each product in the Luckins catalogue. When a customer wishes to order a product from the Luckins catalogue, the Sales Clerk simply adds the 'Luckins product' to a Sales Order. A standard Quantum VS Product record, with the correct price and product details, is created on the fly, along with stock and other records as necessary. Alternative options are available for converting 'Luckins products' into standard Quantum VS Products as required by the user.


For an overview of the full set-up and operational procedure see Luckins Database And Quantum VS Integration: Overview.


Various steps must be carried out within the Quantum VS application to enable Luckins-related features. See Setting Up Luckins Product Maintenance.


For details of how to configure the Quantum VS server and transfer the Luckins data so that Quantum VS displays the latest details from the Luckins catalogue, see Configuring The Quantum VS Server For Luckins Catalogue Data.


A Luckins Product is displayed in the Quantum VS Products Finder with basic product and price information only; when a Customer wishes to order a Luckins Product it must be converted into a standard Quantum VS Product. This is done automatically by the system when the item is added to a Sales Order. Alternatively, several other conversion methods are available. See Converting Luckins Products Into Quantum VS Products.


This section covers:


NEXT: Luckins Database And Quantum VS Integration: Overview