Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Configuring The Quantum VS Server For Luckins Catalogue Data

IMPORTANT: It is intended that all procedures for updating Quantum VS data with the latest Luckins data will be automated using a server script run as a cron job, with Quantum VS Highway used to transfer files. Therefore Quantum VS users/merchants should not have to follow these procedures. However, the set-up and manual procedures for loading the Luckins data and subsequently updating Quantum VS with the latest Luckins data are provided below.


Luckins catalogue data is made available via their FTP site. See:

Before loading any catalogue data you will need to create the required file structure on the Quantum VS server - see Creating The 'Luckins' File Structure On The Quantum VS Server.


The Luckins Distributors Database is supplied as an initial file to load the catalogue data. Follow the 'create' procedure to populate the 'Luckins' data tables in the Quantum VS database, enabling Luckins catalogue data to display in Quantum VS. See Loading The Initial Luckins Catalogue Data.


Subsequently, incremental Luckins 'revision' files are made available on a weekly basis. Follow the 'update' procedure to update the data tables in the Quantum VS database, ensuring up-to-date Luckins product, price and supplier data displays in Quantum VS. See Applying Incremental Luckins Catalogue Updates.


An additional process needs to be run to update any Quantum VS Products which are linked to - i.e. have been converted from - a Luckins Product and have any of the Luckins Update fields checked in their Product record. This will update the product's Description, Supplier and/or Price details (depending on which of the Luckins Update fields have been checked in their Product record in Quantum VS). See Updating Luckins Data For Converted Products.


Note: For further details see Luckins Product Maintenance and Luckins Database And Quantum VS Integration: Overview. If you have any problems please contact Quantum VS Professional Services on 01342 333807 or psg@edp.co.uk.

Obtaining Luckins Catalogue Files Using FTP

The Luckins Distributors database is made available from the Luckins FTP site: ftpstamford.amtech.co.uk. Using FTP you will need to transfer the files from the Luckins FTP site to the Quantum VS server.


Note: (1) You will need to obtain a login and password - contact http://www.luckinslive.com/. (2) We recommend using the FTP client Filezilla for downloading files. Other FTP clients are available. (3) Luckins catalogue data is also provided on CD, via email and by other means by request.


What Files Are Available?

When you connect to the Luckins FTP site, the following directories are available:

Note: A third option - special - may be obtained by request if there is a problem with the Luckins data set (e.g. when there is a data integrity issue). Otherwise this will not be required.

About The Luckins Data Files

The Luckins 'create' and 'revision' directories will contain 'issue' directories called, for example, iss0805, iss1053, iss1054, iss1055 - referring to Issue Number 0805, 1053, 1054 and so on.


Within each 'issue' directory are a set of files with the following extensions:


The file naming convention is: File ID (one character), Service Code (three numerals), Issue Number (four numerals), Extension (three characters). 


For example: For service 70, Issue Number 1234, you will see a directory called iss1234 containing the following files:


File Name

Luckins File Description


Maps To Quantum VS Table



Control File

luckins_control_file_header and  luckins_control_file



Item Details





Supplier (Manufacturer) Index





Product Range Index





Commodity Code Index





Price Qualifier Index





Price Type Index





VAT Rate Index





Bulletin Details


(Not installed as a table; this is a text file only.)


Note: Numerals are padded with zeros as required.  

About The Quantum VS 'Luckins' Catalogues Schema

The 'catalogues' schema in the Quantum VS database will hold the following tables for Luckins-related data:


These tables are created/populated as part of the 'create' procedure and subsequently updated as part of the 'update' procedure; the Luckins data files (e.g. the Item Details .CSV file) map automatically to the equivalent Quantum VS table (e.g. luckins_item_details). Note that:

0 = 'Zero Rated (Non UK)'

1 = 'Zero Rated (UK)'

3 = 'Standard rate (UK)'

5 = 'Reduced Rate (UK)'

When adding a Luckins product, the import process will perform a 'best effort' attempt to correctly map the Luckins VAT Code with its equivalent application specific QuantumVS VAT Code Table, albeit that a QuantumVS VAT Code of 1 is explicitly reserved for the Standard Rate of VAT, thereby making Standard Rate mappings the simplest of them all.

Creating The 'Luckins' File Structure On The Quantum VS Server

Before loading any catalogue data you will need to create the following file structure within the usr/bct directory on the Quantum VS server:





Note: 'new' will be used for Luckins 'create' files; 'update' will be used for Luckins 'revision' files.


To do this, log on to the Quantum VS server as root and enter:

cd /usr/bct

mkdir luckins

cd luckins

mkdir new

mkdir update

Note: Optional: use the pwd command to check you are in the correct directory; use the ls or ls -l commands to list files in the current directory.

Loading The Initial Luckins Catalogue Data

To load the initial Luckins catalogue data:


1.      Using your FTP client:


Therefore within /usr/bct/luckins/new you should have one .CTL file, a series of .CSV files and a .BLN file, which you copied from the Luckins 'create' directory with the most recent issue number. See About The Luckins Data Files above.


2.      Make sure you are logged on to the Quantum VS server as postgres.


3.      Navigate to the directory 'new', by entering:

cd /usr/bct/luckins/new


4.      Run the luckins_update.pl perl script appended with the file path which includes the name of the .CTL file you copied across.


For example, if the current working directory is /usr/bct/luckins/new which contains A6070805.CTL, enter:

luckins_update.pl /usr/bct/luckins/new/A6070805.CTL


Running this script populates the Luckins-related data tables on the Quantum VS server. These are held within the 'catalogues' schema within 'quantumvs'.


Note: The script takes a few minutes to finish running. A 'Completed' message will display when complete.


5.      You may now log in to the Quantum VS application and check the Luckins Product data displays within the Product Finder. See Using The Product Finder To View Luckins Products.


Notes: (1) It may be necessary to restart services on the Quantum VS server before doing this. (2) Ensure you have enabled all Luckins-related features within Quantum VS and set up the Luckins Default Product Record. See Setting Up Luckins Product Maintenance.


Next Steps

Once the initial Luckins data set has loaded you may wish to:

Applying Incremental Luckins Catalogue Updates

Incremental Luckins 'revision' files are made available on a weekly, or sometimes daily, basis. Luckins updates are available every week on Wednesday night for electrical products and Thursday night for other industries. The file size is around 5-10MB.


Follow the procedure below to apply a Luckins catalogue data update within Quantum VS:


Note: The following manual procedure may be automated using a server script run as a cron job, with Quantum VS Highway used to transfer files.


1.      Using your FTP client:


Therefore within /usr/bct/luckins/update you should have one .CTL file, a series of .CSV files and a .BLN file, which you copied from the Luckins 'revision' directory with the most recent issue number. See About The Luckins Data Files above.


2.      Make sure you are logged on to the Quantum VS server as postgres.


3.      Navigate to the directory 'update', by entering:

cd /usr/bct/luckins/update


4.      Run the luckins_update.pl perl script appended with the file path which includes the name of the .CTL file you copied across.


For example, if the current working directory is /usr/bct/luckins/update which contains A6070806.CTL, enter:

luckins_update.pl /usr/bct/luckins/update/A6070806.CTL


Running this script updates the Luckins-related data tables on the Quantum VS server.


Note: The script takes a few minutes to finish running. A 'Completed' message will display when complete.


5.      You may now log in to the Quantum VS application and check the Luckins Product data has updated within the Product Finder. See Using The Product Finder To View Luckins Products.


Notes: It may be necessary to restart services on the Quantum VS server before doing this.

Updating Luckins Data For Converted Products

This procedure described in Applying Incremental Luckins Catalogue Updates will update data for all non-converted Luckins Products in Quantum VS.


However, an additional process needs to be run to update any Quantum VS Products which are linked to - i.e. have been converted from - a Luckins Product and have any of the Luckins Update fields checked in their Product record. This will update the product's Description, Supplier and/or Price details in Quantum VS, depending on which 'Luckins Update' fields are checked in their Quantum VS Product record.


To update Luckins data for converted products:


Note: The following manual procedure may be automated using a server script run as a cron job.


1.      Log onto the Quantum VS server as op1unix.


You may potentially log in as a different user, provided:


If you log in as a different user, you will need to edit the username contained within the file addluckinsforwardprices.req - see Editing The User Name below.


2.      Make sure that the file addluckinsforwardprices.req exists within /usr/bct/luckins by entering:

cd /usr/bct/luckins/

ls -l

Notes: (1) If you do not have this file please contact Quantum VS Professional Services on 01342 333807 or psg@edp.co.uk. (2) The contents of this file will be: <f5><f9>appstate<fd>addluckinsforwardprices<fe>env<fd>default<fe>authuserid<fd>{username}<f4> where <f5> , <f9>, <fd>, <fe>, and <f4> represent a single ASCII character equivalent to the hexadecimal code.


3.      Run the following script:

export UVCBLENVVAR="`cat /usr/bct/luckins/addluckinsforwardprices.req`"

cobrun -F +B EDPGUI01 > EDPGUI01.rsp

Notes: (1) The correct path/environment variables must be set up on the Quantum VS server for this script to run. (2) The 'cat' statement is enclosed by a grave accent ASCII character and not a single quote ASCII character.


The response to the process is held within EDPGUI01.rsp.


4.      You may now open a Product record in Quantum VS to check data has been updated. Select the Product Finder and use the Imported From Luckins filter to display standard Quantum VS Products which have been imported from the Luckins catalogue. See Using The Product Finder To View Luckins Products.


5.      Any product price updates are added to the Forward Price file, rather than applied to the Product record directly. There is the option to manually review price updates before applying them. See Updating Product Prices And Costs.


The Apply Forward Prices process is used to apply the 'forward' price/cost updates to the product record. There is the option to specify to update prices to Luckins-linked Product records only, if required. See Apply Forward Prices.


Editing The User Name

The file addluckinsforwardprices.req is configured for the user 'op1unix'. If you wish to amend the username contained within the file then use vi -b addluckinsforwardprices.req. Be careful when editing so that you do not lose the special control-characters that separate fields. Delete single characters at a time and insert single characters at a time rather than attempting to change whole words.


NEXT: Converting Luckins Products Into Quantum VS Products