Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Luckins Database And Quantum VS Integration: Overview

Quantum VS integrates with the Luckins catalogue, enabling you - the user/merchant - to promote the goods listed in the Luckins catalogue for sale, while minimising the potentially laborious process of converting Luckins product/price data into Quantum VS Product records.  The updating of Luckins data, and conversion of Luckins product/price data into Quantum VS Product records, is handled by the system automatically.


Note: For further details see Luckins Product Maintenance.


The following describes the set-up and operational procedure:

Configuring Quantum VS For Luckins

The following steps must be carried out within the Quantum VS application:

See Setting Up Luckins Product Maintenance.

Importing Luckins Catalogue Data Into Quantum VS

The Quantum VS server must be configured for importing Luckins catalogue data.


The Luckins Distributors Database is supplied as an initial file to load the catalogue data. The 'create' procedure populates the 'Luckins' data tables in the Quantum VS database, enabling Luckins catalogue data to display in Quantum VS.


Subsequently, incremental Luckins 'revision' files are made available on a weekly basis. The 'update' procedure can be automated so that only up-to-date Luckins catalogue data displays in Quantum VS.


An additional process needs to be run to update the details of Quantum VS Products which are linked to - i.e. have been converted from - a Luckins Product.


For further details see Configuring The Quantum VS Server For Luckins Catalogue Data.


Note: It is intended that all procedures for updating Quantum VS data with the latest Luckins data will be automated using a server script run as a cron job, with Quantum VS Highway used to transfer files. Therefore Quantum VS users/merchants should not have to follow these procedures.

Selling And Converting Luckins Products

When all of the above has been configured, all products from the Luckins catalogue will display in the Product Finder in Quantum VS as a Luckins Product, alongside standard Products. These Luckins Products are considered as being available for sale, and show the latest price and supplier details, except they have not yet been converted into a standard Quantum VS Product. There are various ways of doing this:


An additional procedure - Luckins Bulk Create, accessible from the Tools menu (Data Import option) in Quantum VS - enables the user to 'bulk' select Luckins Products based on a range of criteria, optionally add values to replace default values for certain fields, then convert them into full Quantum VS Products.


See Converting Luckins Products Into Quantum VS Products.


Luckins Product Conversion And Prices/Costs

When a Luckins product is converted, the Quantum VS Product is assigned the same selling price and 'unit of measure' as the Luckins Product. The product's assigned cost price is a percentage of the selling price, subject to your Default Discount Percentage (assigned in the Luckins Distributors Database 002 options in the Optional Enhancements: Modules Tab). For example, if the Selling Price of a Luckins Product is £84.00 each and the Default Discount Percentage is 30, the Cost Price of the product on conversion will be £58.80 (i.e. 84 * (100 -30 /100)).


Note: For product conversions where the price is greater than £75,000 and the unit of measure is greater than one/each, the price and unit of measure are automatically rounded down proportionally. For example, a product with the price of £85,000 per thousand will display as £8,500 per hundred or £850 per ten.

After Product Conversion

When a Luckins Product has been converted it will display in the Product Finder as a standard Quantum VS Product. Its default fields are populated based on: (1) data entered in your Default Luckins Product record (L-SPECIAL); (2) the Luckins Distributors Database Module options selected/enabled in Optional Enhancements; and (3) from the Luckins product and price data, subject to any user editing.


You may use the Product Finder to list Luckins Products which have been converted into standard Quantum VS Products. See:

Updating Of Product Price/Description/Supplier Via Weekly Luckins Update

Each week, new Luckins product, price and supplier data is downloaded using the automated back-office procedure. This will automatically update all Luckins Product details in Quantum VS, adding new Luckins Products, removing discontinued Luckins Products and updating the details of existing non-converted Luckins Products.


Data for converted Luckins Products (i.e. Quantum VS Products linked to a Luckins Product) will also be updated automatically as part of the weekly update, subject to the settings of the following flags in the Product record:


Maintaining Links Between Quantum VS Products And Luckins Products

Quantum VS Products are linked to a Luckins Product via the Luckins Code field in the Product record. This field is populated automatically when a Luckins Product is converted into a Quantum VS Product. However, it may be added manually in order to link an existing Product record to a product in the Luckins catalogue. See Converting A Luckins Product Using The Product Record.


Maintaining Links Between Quantum VS Suppliers And Luckins Suppliers

Luckins Suppliers are added to the Suppliers Finder as part of the automated back-office procedure. Advanced Filters enable you to display either Quantum-only Suppliers, Luckins-only Suppliers, or both. See Finding Suppliers.


If a Luckins Supplier has an existing Supplier record in Quantum VS, it may be linked by adding the Luckins Supplier Code to the existing Supplier record. To do this, open the Quantum VS Supplier record, put it into Amend mode, add the Luckins Supplier Code to the Luckins Code field, then save the Supplier record. See:

How Are Product Price/Description/Supplier Updates Applied?

When each weekly Luckins catalogue update is released, data is updated in Quantum VS as follows:


NEXT: Setting Up Luckins Product Maintenance