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Quantum VS eBusiness Integration

Quantum VS installations may be synchronised with a Quantum VS eBusiness website with a built-in 'Quantum VS' Product Catalogue and secure online card ordering facilities. Web users may access your Quantum VS eBusiness website and remotely place orders and obtain quotes. This will generate the appropriate Sales Order or Quote record within Quantum VS and update stock and other records accordingly.

What Is Quantum VS eBusiness?

Quantum VS eBusiness is a separate product package designed as an add-on to the main Quantum VS application.


Quantum VS eBusiness enables your business to set up a fully functioning eBusiness website, potentially incorporating an online Product Catalogue, which can be easily updated when your back-end product details are updated. You may also add the facility of secure online card ordering.


A Quantum VS eBusiness website will contain 'Web Widgets' which allow messages to pass back and forth between the website, the back office server and database, and Quantum VS. This enables your back-office product and price data to display within your Quantum VS eBusiness without any re-keying of data. There are two versions of 'Quantum VS eBusiness': QVS3 - which works with Quantum VS releases 9.5 onwards, and QVS2 - which works with pre-9.5 releases.


For further details please contact Quantum VS Professional Services on 01342 333807 or psg@edp.co.uk

Quantum VS 'Web' Record Types

The following gives a brief explanation of each Quantum VS 'Web' record type and their role:


Web Environments

Web Environment records link a Quantum VS eBusiness website with the 'Quantum VS' Company and Branch which will process Sales Orders and Quotes - placed via a Quantum VS eBusiness website - for Web Users assigned to this environment.


A typical Quantum VS/eBusiness installation will have one Web Environment record per eBusiness website. However, other configurations are possible. For example, it may be desirable to point multiple eBusiness websites to the same Web Environment record. It may be desirable to set up different Web Environments for each Branch within their Company, and/or to handle different types of behaviour for different types of Web User. For example, a company with five Branches might have ten Web Environments - two at each Branch to handle Account and Cash Customers differently.


The Web Environment also determines what happens with stock checking, such as what happens when an order is placed for a product with insufficient stock, and whether Web Orders are immediately parked, or pushed through the Sales Order Processing Cycle. You will need to create one or more Web Environments before creating Web Users.


See Web Environment Maintenance.


Note: Certain default Web Environment and Web User records must be created to facilitate Web Catalogue and Web Ordering within your Quantum VS eBusiness website. See Web Environment Notes.


Web Users

A Web User record is created in Quantum VS to allow authorised Web Users or Guests (using a Guest account) to access a Quantum VS eBusiness website and view the online product catalogue and prices and potentially place orders online. Web Users may be created from scratch or you may convert a 'confirmed' Web Registration (see below) into a Web User.


The Web User is linked to an existing Customer Record, so that they are offered the correct prices against each product. If required, the Web User may be linked to a specific Customer Site record. The Web User is also tied to a Web Environment.


Fields on the Web User record determine whether or not the Web User is active and whether they may manually enter a delivery address within the web page at the point of raising a web order. The Credit Card field within a Web User record determines whether the Web User must/may/cannot pay their web orders via Credit Cards and the website's Secure Hosting card payment system. Web Users required to pay by card must be tied to a 'Cash Account' Customer Record in Quantum VS.


See Web User Maintenance.


Web Registrations

A Web Registration is a record enabling a 'prospective' web customer to register as a confirmed Web User so they may place orders with you via your Quantum VS eBusiness website. The 'prospective' Web User may be an existing customer (e.g. a Cash Account customer) or an entirely new customer.


A 'Registration Request' Web Widget must be placed within the appropriate web page of your Quantum VS eBusiness website. The 'prospective' Web User may then enter their details via your website, with the intention of registering as a Web User so that they may place orders online. These details are passed to the back office application and the Web Registration record is created in Quantum VS.


On the Web Registration record the registrant's Status field is initially set to 'Requested' (i.e. Web User status has been requested). At a later time/date an administrator or credit controller will determine whether the registrant can be granted Web User status. They will retrieve the Web Registration record and either confirm Web Registration (by clicking Confirm User) or prevent Web Registration (by making the record Amendable and resetting the Status field to 'Not Allowed').


When a Web Registration record is Confirmed a new Web User record is displayed, featuring the registrant's details. Once the new Web User record has been saved the User/Company becomes a registered Web User and may place orders via your Quantum VS eBusiness website.


See Web Registration Maintenance.


Web Operators

A Web Operator is a member of staff who is allowed to log in to a Quantum VS eBusiness website and - if authorised - view the product catalogue, view/amend prices, and place orders and convert quotes on behalf of the customer. This can be achieved by creating a Web Operator record which controls access to certain features and enables the staff member to access a designated Quantum VS eBusiness website.


A typical Web Operator will be a member of the sales team working out in the field. Alongside the customer they will log in to the Quantum VS eBusiness website and review products and prices. Potentially they may amend prices as an incentive to get the customer to make a purchase. They can also place orders and quotes on behalf of the customer as required. The Web Operator's ability to perform these tasks within the Quantum VS eBusiness website is controlled by the various fields and flags in the Web Operator record.


See Web Operator Maintenance.


Staff By Rep Records

Staff By Rep Maintenance enables staff members to be associated (via their Staff ID) with Sales Reps, to control which customers' data they can access. Staff By Rep Maintenance is linked to Web Operator Maintenance in that it can be used to control which customers' data the Web Operator can access when they log in to a Quantum VS eBusiness website.


Each customer is assigned a Sales Rep on their Customer record. A Sales Rep can only view and amend data for their own customers. However, certain users (e.g. National Head of Sales) must be able to access all customer data. It may also be desirable for other types of user (e.g. Regional Head of Sales) to access data for certain groups of customers (the customers in their region), but not others.


Staff By Rep Maintenance enables a system administrator to control which staff members can view and amend data for which customers in a Quantum VS eBusiness website. For example, you may wish to create a Staff By Rep record for each Regional Head of Sales, associating them with each Sales Rep in their region. This means that when the each Regional Head of Sales is logged in to a Quantum VS eBusiness website as a Web Operator, they will only be able to access data for the customers in their region.


See Staff By Rep Maintenance.


NEXT: Web Environment Maintenance