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Staff By Rep Maintenance

Staff By Rep Maintenance enables staff members to be associated (via their Staff ID) with Sales Reps, to control which customers' data they can access.


Note: Staff By Rep Maintenance is linked to Web Operator Maintenance in that it can be used to control which customers' data the Web Operator can access when they log in to a Quantum VS eBusiness website. See Web Operator Maintenance.


Each customer is assigned a Sales Rep on their Customer record. A Sales Rep can only view and amend data for their own customers. However, certain users (e.g. National Head of Sales) must be able to access all customer data. It may also be desirable for other types of user (e.g. Regional Head of Sales) to access data for certain groups of customers (the customers in their region), but not others.


Staff By Rep Maintenance enables a system administrator to control which staff members can view and amend data for which customers within a Quantum VS eBusiness website. For example, Staff By Rep Maintenance can be used to set up the following customer access restrictions:


User/Staff ID type

Can view/amend customer data in Quantum VS eBusiness website for…


National Head of Sales


All customers


Regional Heads of Sales

Customers in their region only (i.e. customers assigned to the Sales Reps in their region they are responsible for)


Sales Reps

Their customers only (i.e. customers assigned to them only)



For example, you may wish to create a Staff By Rep record for each Regional Head of Sales, associating them with each Sales Rep in their region. This means that when the each Regional Head of Sales is logged in to a Quantum VS eBusiness website as a Web Operator, they will only be able to access data for the customers in their region.


Note: For further details see Quantum VS eBusiness Integration.


This section covers:

Note: Saved Staff By Rep records will display in the Finder. See Finding Staff By Rep Records.


NEXT: Viewing A Staff By Rep Record