Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Running The Import Scanned Stock Count Data Process

If a hand held Bar Code scanner has been used to scan the products to be counted as part of the Stock Count, a user will need to run the Import Scanned Stock Count Data process to import the collected data.


Note: The bar coded Stock Count procedure is explained in Running A Stock Take Using Hand Held Bar Code Scanners. See also Bar Code Scanning Maintenance.


To run the Import Scanned Stock Count Data process:


1.      Open the Stock Control tab. See Opening The Stock Control Tab.


2.      Click Import Scanned Stock Count Data on the left-hand menu:




3.      Click Start on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to run the report.


When the process has completed, the Information field will read 'Process Complete'. A URL will be shown, at which a report can be viewed and printed if necessary. The Started field lists the date and time on which the process was run.


When you have finished you may:


NEXT: Running The Scanned Stock Count Input Report