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Stock Variance Report

The Stock Variance report forms part of the 'stock take' procedure and has a number of functions.


The main option is to run this report with one of the 'Complete Stock Take Cycle' options selected in the Print Option field, which will formally end the Stock Count for the given Stock Count Reference. This turns off the 'Stock Count Active' flag on any products included in the count, updating their stock figures on the system and making them available to sales documents again.


An alternative is to run this report with the 'Cancel The Stock Take' option selected in the Print Option field, which cancels the Stock Count for the given Stock Count Reference. This makes the included products available to sales documents again but without updating their stock figures on the system.


Running this report with one of the 'Variant Report' options selected in the Print Option field will generate/print a list of products where the actual counted stock figures differed from the stock figures on the system. A common scenario is as follows:


A further option is to run this report with the 'Products Not Counted Report Only' option selected in the Print Option field to generate/print a 'products not counted' report (without completing the Stock Count). This is commonly used when you wish to count certain products now and some later.


Note: The Stock Variance report is normally run as part of the stock take procedure. See Performing A Stock Take.


To run the Stock Variance report:


1.      Either:


The Reports record opens in a new tab, listing all Reports by Name and Category.


2.      Use your mouse or [Tab] key to select the Stock Variance report:




3.      Select report options in the available fields as required, using the following as a guide:


Note: You may use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next.


Definition  (* = mandatory field)


Stock Count Reference *


Enter a reference for the stock count here. This must consist of four alphanumeric characters (e.g. STK1).


Print Option *


Select one of the following options depending on the action you wish to take:


  • Variant Report Only - select this option to print a variance report without completing the stock take cycle.

  • Variant Report & Complete Stock Take Cycle - select this option to print a variance report and also complete the stock take cycle.

  • Complete Stock Take Cycle Only - select this option to complete the stock take cycle without printing a variance report.

  • Cancel The Stock Take - select this option to cancel the stock take cycle.

  • Products Not Counted Report Only - select this option to print a 'products not counted' report only.


Full Description


Check this field to print a full description in the report.


This not required if you have selected either of the following Print Options:


  • Complete Stock Take Cycle Only; or:

  • Cancel The Stock Take.


Zero Variance Levels


Check this field to include Zero Variance Lines in the report.


This not required if you have selected either of the following Print Options:


  • Complete Stock Take Cycle Only; or:

  • Cancel The Stock Take.


Nominal Code Totals


Check this field to include Totals By Nominal Code in the report.


This not required if you have selected either of the following Print Options:


  • Complete Stock Take Cycle Only; or:

  • Cancel The Stock Take.


Cost Type *


Use the drop-down menu to select the cost type to be printed in the report, from the following options:


  • Average

  • Buying

  • Branch Average

  • Standard Cost

  • FIFO Cost


This not required if you have selected either of the following Print Options:


  • Complete Stock Take Cycle Only; or:

  • Cancel The Stock Take.


Reset All Areas


Check this field to reset the Count Flag for all areas (i.e. turn off the 'Stock Count Active' flag on any products included in the Stock Take).


This not required if you have selected either of the following Print Options:


  • Variant Report Only; or:

  • Products Not Counted Report Only.


Receipt Cost


If enabled, variances for products which are 'Batch Traceable' are costed using the GRN Receipt Cost, whereas variances for non-'Batch Traceable' products are based on the Cost Type selected (see above).



4.      Click Start on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to begin running the report.


5.      When the report has finished running, a Status message will be shown listing a URL at which the report can be viewed and printed or emailed if necessary.


Note: You may use Print Groups to view, print or email the report at a later date. See Viewing, Printing And Emailing Documents.


Click OK to close this message. You may now close the Reports tab if you wish.


NEXT: Stock Write Down Report