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Supplier Analysis Tab: Viewing Supplier Performance Statistics

The Supplier Analysis tab within the Supplier record gives a breakdown of goods received and rejected stock for the Supplier.


Note: Supplier Analysis details are only available if the Optional Enhancement 'Purchase Ordering 119: Goods In: Supplier Performance' is switched on - see Supplier Rejections And Performance. It may also be necessary to add the tab to the Supplier record using the Customise feature - see Customising Records.


To view Supplier performance details:


1.      Find and open the Supplier record for the required Supplier. See Finding Suppliers.


2.      Select the Supplier Performance tab:




The read-only table gives a breakdown of goods received and rejected stock for the Supplier over a rolling 12 month period. It shows, for the current and previous months:

Note: You may view the Supplier's overall performance rating and details of stock inspections in the Supplier Performance Tab. See Supplier Performance Tab: Reviewing Supplier Performance.


NEXT: Creating A New Supplier Record