Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Supplier Pricing Maintenance

Supplier Pricing records are used for recording and applying the buying costs/terms a Supplier charges for a product or group of products. If the Supplier offers discounts based on ordering a certain quantity, weight or value of the product you may define a breaks table to record the discounts available.

Why Use Supplier Pricing Records?

The standard method of recording a product's buying costs - how much a Supplier charges when you order that Product - is via the Buying Details tab of the Product record. Here you may record these details for a defined Main Supplier, plus (optionally) up to two Alternative Suppliers. See Entering Buying Details.


Supplier Pricing records offer the following advantages over this method:



You stock the product Bosch Power Drill 14V. In its Product record you have defined the buying costs for the Main Supplier and two Alternative Suppliers.


However, the Bosch Power Drill 14V is available from a whole range of suppliers you deal with, who offer the product at different prices. Some of these suppliers offer discounts when you order a certain number of items from them.


The solution is to create a Supplier Pricing record for each supplier selling the Bosch Power Drill 14V, specifying the base cost plus any additional discounts offered. You may also set up a breaks table corresponding to discounts offered by the supplier when you buy a certain quantity, value or weight of the product.


Thus, when you order the product from this supplier, the buying cost on the Purchase Order takes into account the supplier's buying terms and additional break discounts based on the quantity (or value or weight) ordered.

Enabling Supplier Pricing

Certain features in Quantum VS must be configured to set up Supplier Pricing:


Optional Enhancements

The following Optional Enhancement must be switched ON:

See Optional Enhancements.


When this Optional Enhancement is switched on:


1.      Supplier Pricing becomes available in:


2.      In the Product record > Buying Details tab:

See Buying Details Tab: Viewing Product Buying Details.


This section covers:

Note: Saved Supplier Pricing records will display in the Finder. See Finding Supplier Pricing Records.


NEXT: Viewing A Supplier Pricing Record