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Works Order Process Maintenance

Works Order Process records are a key component of Works Order Processing. Once the Works Order Process record has been created, it is used in generating the required internal 'Works Order' Sales Order - and related 'Works Order' Picking and Despatch Notes - from an initial Sales Order, Purchase Order or Kit Make Up procedure, to generate stock of the 'finished' plated product or Kit.


For further details see:


Works Order Process records link the Product code of the 'finished' Product (i.e. a 'plated' item or a Kit) being Sales or Purchase Ordered with the Works Order Process required to create stock of that product.


Each Works Order Process record holds details of the internal or external Supplier used to perform the process (i.e. plating of a raw material product, or assembly of a Kit), the cost of providing the service, the Input and Output Products being processed, the Branches which will have permissions for the Works Order Process, to issue stock and hold the stock; and more.


Works Order Process records are generated automatically by the system when creating a Kit product (i.e. a Product with several components/sub-assemblies), but must be created manually when using Works Order Processing to create free stock of a plated product. For further details see Creating A Works Order Process Record Manually.


You may also Edit and Delete existing Works Order Process records.


This section covers:

Note: You may search for existing Works Order Process records in the Finder. See Finding Works Order Process Records.


NEXT: Creating A Works Order Process Record Manually