Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Creating A Kit-Flagged Product Record (Permanent Kits Only)

In Quantum VS, a Kit record is always linked to a Product record, which is flagged to indicate that it is stocked as a Kit.


Therefore, if you are creating a permanent Kit, before you create the Kit record you must first create a Product record flagged as a Kit.


Note: This is not necessary if you are creating a temporary kit (i.e. a Kit only intended to exist for a short period of time), as the Kit-flagged Product record is automatically created when you create the Kit record. You may go to the next step - Creating A Kit Record.


To create a Kit-flagged Product record:


1.      Create a new Product record - as described in Creating A New Product Record.


2.      In the Main tab of the Product record, enter the:

...and other general details to define the Kit product, including the Gross Price. See Recording General Product Details.


3.      In the Buying Details tab of the Product record, enter the Main Supplier of the Kit and the Base Cost. See Entering Buying Details.


4.      In the Stock Details tab of the Product record, select the Kit option in the Kit Flag field. See Entering Stock Details.


Note: The Kit Product record must not be flagged for Serial Number traceability; i.e. Serial Numbering must not be selected in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field in the Stock Details tab.


5.      Save the Product record by clicking Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


Now that you have created a 'Kit-flagged' Product record for your permanent Kit you may create the Kit record. See Creating A Kit Record.


NEXT: Creating A Kit Record