Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Creating A New Product Record

Creating Product records - records of the products you stock and sell - will be one of your main administrative tasks (a) when setting up Quantum VS for your business and (b) when you work with new products in the course of your business.


The Product Record Creation Procedure:

Product records have a series of tabs (or headers). When you create a new, blank Product record only the following tabs are available initially: Main (selected by default), Quantity Breaks, Buying Details and Stock.


Creating a new Product record involves:

Note: If you require the product to be traceable via a Batch Reference, Serial Number or Bin Location you will need to select the appropriate option in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field within the Stock tab. See Product Batch Traceability Maintenance.

Note: If you are creating a Product record for a Kit you will need to select the appropriate option in the Kit Flag field within the Stock tab. See Kit Maintenance and Creating A Kit-Flagged Product Record (Permanent Kits Only).


Note: You may configure default Product records so that when a user creates a new standard, Sheet or Timber Product, certain predefined field settings/entries exist, depending on the type of Product being created. This saves the time and effort of re-keying data when creating new Product records. See Default Product Records Maintenance.

Note: Rather than creating a new Product record from scratch, you may use the Clone Product feature to create a new Product record from an existing record. See Cloning A Product Record.


Once the Product record has been created and saved you may also:

Opening A New Product Record

To create a new Product record use one of the following methods:


A new Product record will open in a new tab.


The left-hand menu contains various tabs/headers. By clicking each tab/header you may enter the Product's Main details, Quantity Breaks and so on.


The Main tab/header is active by default:  




You may now record the Product's General Details - including its Product Code, Description and other product classification details.


Note: Use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next. Mandatory Fields (fields which must contain a value before a function can be completed) are shown with a yellow background (as pictured above).


NEXT: Recording General Product Details