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Customer Route Round Drop Sequence Maintenance

Once you have created Route Round records - see Creating Route Round Records - you may use Customer Route Round Drop Sequence Maintenance to subscribe Customers/Customer Sites to your Route Round 'delivery routes'.


Note: This assumes you have already configured Quantum VS to suit the type of delivery cycle you will operate. See Understanding And Configuring Your Delivery Cycle.


When you have subscribed Customers/Customer Sites to your Route Round 'delivery routes', each Route Round record will then hold a list of 'subscribed' Customers/Customer Sites in a particular sequence (i.e. a Route List).


When a user creates a Standing Order or Sales Order on behalf of a Customer/Customer Site which has been subscribed to one or more Route Rounds, the user can either:

Thus, the ordered goods will be delivered via one of your available Route Round delivery routes.


Note: There is an additional option available in Sales Orders, and other sales documents except Standing Orders, for the user to click the More hyperlink to select a Route Round delivery on a 'one-off' basis. This may be useful if a customer has not been subscribed to a Route Round delivery using Customer Route Round Drop Sequence Maintenance.

Example: Subscribing Customers To Route Rounds

For example, say you have set up the following Route Round records (i.e. 'delivery routes'):


For each Route Round delivery you operate, you have the option to subscribe existing Customers/Customer Sites as appropriate. So the 'Mon/Barnsley' Route Round will have a Route List to which a certain group of customers/sites is subscribed (e.g. customers based in Barnsley), 'Tue/Chesterfield' will have its own Route List holding a different list of customers/sites (e.g. customers based in Chesterfield), 'Wed/Doncaster' will have its own Route List of customers/sites, and so on.


Imagine you have a customer called Sherry's Sweet Shop. Using Customer Route Round Drop Sequence Maintenance you subscribe Sherry's Sweet Shop to the 'Mon/Barnsley' Route Round. Therefore, the next time you raise a Standing Order or Sales Order for Sherry's Sweet Shop, the 'Mon/Barnsley' Route Round is available as an option for selection in the Route/Round field, enabling you (or the system) to assign delivery via the 'Mon/Barnsley' Route Round.


In practice it may not always be clear which is the most appropriate Route Round 'Route List' to subscribe a Customer/Customer Site to. Therefore you may subscribe Customers/Customer Sites to more than one Route Round 'Route List'. This might be necessary if the customer/site's orders could be fulfilled by two different delivery rounds; for example:


It is up to you to decide whether or not to subscribe ALL of your Customers and Customer Sites in advance to an appropriate Route Round delivery using Customer Route Round Drop Sequence Maintenance. It is not mandatory for a Customer or Customer Site to be subscribed to a Route Round. However, if you wish to deliver goods based on Standing Orders you will need to subscribe your Standing Order Customer/Customer Site to one or more Route Round deliveries so that either the system can allocate a Route Round delivery automatically, or the user may select a Route Round delivery manually.


When raising a different type of sales document, such as a Sales Order, if a Customer/Customer Site is not already subscribed to a Route Round (i.e. no options are displayed in the Route/Round menu in the Sales Order header) there is the option - by clicking the More hyperlink in the document header - to select a 'one-off' Route Round for this particular order. This does not 'subscribe' the customer/site to the Route Round permanently; rather, the customer/site is placed at the top of the drop sequence for the selected Route Round for this order delivery only.


When you first set up Route Round Maintenance, once you have created Route Round records corresponding to the delivery rounds you wish to operate, you may then set up each of your Route Round 'Route Lists' by subscribing all of your existing Customers/Customer Sites to them, positioning them in the 'drop sequence' as appropriate. The order in which you place subscribed Customers/Customer Sites in a Route Round 'Route List' is up to you. You will probably wish to place customers/sites in a logical sequence to make the route/delivery time as short as possible.


When you subsequently receive orders from new Customers or Customer Sites you may review any one-off deliveries made before setting up a permanent Route Round subscription for them if required.


Note that each Route Round 'Route List' displayed in Customer Route Round Drop Sequence Maintenance is simply a list of Customers/Customer Sites subscribed to that list, in a particular sequence. It is not a list of actual delivery 'drops' for that round on that day or week; this will be defined by whatever Standing Orders and one-off Sales Orders exist for the customers on the list on that day/week. At the start of each day or week you may run the Route Listing report to generate a 'Driver List' for each Route Round operating that day/week. This tells the delivery driver where to deliver to, and acts as a checklist of Customers/Customer Sites to be 'checked off' as each delivery is made.


To add (i.e. subscribe) a Customer/Customer Site to a Route Round 'Route List' see Adding A Customer To A Route Round Drop Sequence.


To reposition one or more Customers/Customer Sites within a Route Round 'Route List' see Editing A Route Round Drop Sequence.


To remove a Customer/Customer Site from a Route Round 'Route List' see Deleting A Customer From A Route Round Drop Sequence.


NEXT: Adding A Customer To A Route Round Drop Sequence