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Default Customer Record Maintenance

System Administrators may configure the Default Customer Record so that a newly created customer record will contain default settings.


Although the field settings may still be edited or overtyped, configuring your default customer record to suit your company operations will save on unnecessary keying of data when adding new customer records.


The default customer record may be changed at any time. If the default customer record is edited, the new settings will apply to new customer records only - existing customer records will remain unchanged.


The procedure for setting up your Default Customer Record is the same as when creating a new customer record. It is recommended that you read Creating A New Customer Record - including the various field definitions - before setting up your Default Customer Record.

Editing The Default Customer Record

To edit your default customer record:


1.      From the Toolbar Main Menu: select Edit then select Default Customer Record.


Your Default Customer Record will open in a new tab.


Note: The Default Customer Record is marked #default and is given the Account Number ZZ/9999999.


2.      The Default Customer Record has a series of tabs/headers. The General Details tab/header is shown by default:




Set up your Default Customer Record by entering/altering your default settings for each field, for each of the following tabs/headers:


Note: Certain fields - coloured yellow - are mandatory. You may use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next.


3.      When you have finished, select Save from the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the amended Default Customer Record.


When you create a new customer record it will now contain your predefined settings (which you may edit as you wish).


NEXT: Customer Site Maintenance