Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Creating A New Customer Record

Creating Customer records will be one of your main administrative tasks (a) when setting up Quantum VS for your business and (b) when you locate new business leads and contacts in the course of your business.


The Customer Record Creation Procedure:

Creating a new Customer record involves:


Then if necessary you may wish to:

See Entering Additional Customer Details.


Important Items To Note About Customer Records:

Opening A New Customer Record

To create a new Customer record use one of the following methods:


A new Customer record will open in a new tab.


The left-hand menu contains various tabs/headers. By clicking each tab/header you may enter the customer's General Details, Documentation details and Credit Control details.


The General Details tab/header is active by default:  




You may now record the customer's General Details in the various available fields and sections - see Entering Customer General Details.


Note: Use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next. Mandatory Fields (fields which must contain a value before a function can be completed) are shown with a yellow background (as pictured above).


NEXT: Entering Customer General Details