Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Role Maintenance

Role records control the areas of Quantum VS a User assigned that Role may access, based on their job within your company. The Admin User or System Administrator may set up as many Roles as required. See Creating Roles.


Note: Roles must be created by the 'Admin' user before any Users are created. For an overview of Users and Roles see Role And User Maintenance.


Example Roles

The following are examples of Roles you may wish to create, and the Quantum VS features users assigned that Role could access:


These are just a few example 'Role types'. You may set up as many Roles as are required in your company (providing you have sufficient privileges to do so).


Roles are assigned to a User when the User record is created. Users may be assigned one or more Roles.


This section covers:

Note: To locate and open an existing Role record see Finding Role Records.


NEXT: Viewing Role Records