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Role And User Maintenance

Roles and User Records are linked together in Quantum VS. This section covers:

Understanding Roles And Users

What Is The Difference Between Roles And Users?

User records must be created for each person who may access Quantum VS. Each user is assigned a Role based on their position and responsibilities within the company: this controls which areas and features of Quantum VS the User can access.


When setting up Quantum VS you should create some Roles (see Creating Roles) before creating User records (see Creating Users). Later on you may wish to create additional Roles and perhaps reassign users' Roles on their User records (see Editing User Records).


Whose Job Is It To Define Roles And Users?

When Quantum VS is first installed only one Role will be available - Admin. The Admin user is a 'super user' role which exists purely to allow one or more individuals to set up and amend Roles, as follows:


What Are Roles?

Role records control the areas and features of Quantum VS a User assigned that Role may access, based on their job within your company. The Admin User or System Administrator may set up as many Roles as required. See Creating Roles.


For example:


Roles are assigned to a User when the User record is created. Users may be assigned one or more Roles.


Users' Roles may be reassigned within their User records (see Editing User Records).


You may also edit existing roles - see Editing Role Records.


What Are Users?

The Admin User or System Administrator will need to create User records for each person who will be using Quantum VS in your business/organisation. See Creating Users.


Remember: Roles must be defined before User records can be created.


Each User record defines a number of attributes for each user, including their User Name and Password, plus their user-related system settings. Each user is also assigned one or more Roles.


It is also possible to locate and open saved User records using the Finder - see Finding Users - and then amend them - see Editing User Records. See Viewing User Records for examples of what a user record may look like and the various tabs and fields they contain.


What Are User Permissions?

User Permissions are another name for the areas and features of Quantum VS the User can access.


User Permissions are permanently enabled or disabled for a User via the Role they have been assigned - see Creating Roles.


User Permissions may be switched on or off for the current session only by selecting Tools > User Permissions from the Toolbar - Main Menu to display the Edit User Session Permissions Window (requires supervisor permissions). Check the boxes to allow permissions to the relevant application functions, then click OK. The procedure is similar to that used when Creating Roles.


Note: Newly-created User Permissions are typically not set for a User when upgrading to a new release of Quantum VS.


NEXT: Role Maintenance