Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance |
The 'Admin' User or a System Administrator will need to create User records for each person who will be using Quantum VS in your business/organisation. (See Role And User Maintenance for an overview of Roles and Users.)
IMPORTANT: Before you can create a User record in Quantum VS:
You must first create Roles which can be assigned to Users. See Creating Roles.
The Quantum VS user must have a Linux user login set up.
User records have a series of tabs (or headers): GUI Fields (selected by default), Quantum User Fields, IO Control Fields and Roles.
Creating a new User record involves:
Opening a new User record - see below; then:
Adding the User's main details in the GUI Fields tab; then
Adding additional User details in the Quantum User Fields tab; then:
Defining User input/output settings in the IO Control Fields tab; then:
Assigning the User a Role (or Roles) in the Role tab.
Defining Vecta User Details in the Vecta tab.
You may then Save the User record.
To create a new User record use one of the following methods:
The left-hand menu contains various tabs/headers. By clicking each tab/header you may enter the User's details.
The GUI Fields tab/header is active by default:
You may now enter the User's details in the GUI Fields tab. See Entering User GUI Fields Details.
When you have added/defined all relevant details in the various tabs and fields of the new User record, select Save from the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the record.
Once you have saved a new User record it will be available for retrieval in the Finder. You may locate User records - see Finding Users - and edit or delete them if necessary.
The user will now be able to log into Quantum VS using their assigned User Name and Password.