Quantum VS Help: Finder

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Activating A Selected Document/Record Type In The Finder

To view and/or open documents/records from the Finder you must first make the selected document/record type active in the Finder. To do this:

Note: When your cursor (keyboard focus) is in a particular field, clicking [F3] - the Context-Sensitive Finder shortcut - makes relevant items active in the Finder. For example: When your cursor is placed in the Customer field when creating a new Sales Order, clicking [F3] activates Customers in the Finder. See Using The Context-Sensitive Finder.

Home Tab: Search

You may select a certain document/record type (e.g. Customers) from the search section on the Home tab. To do this:



The selected document/record type is made active in the Finder. For example, if you selected Customers your customer records will now be listed in the Finder.

Finder - Search Button

Alternatively, you may use the search button on the Finder toolbar to select a document/record type.


The button on the left of the Finder toolbar shows which document/record type is currently active in the Finder (Sales Orders, in the example below).


To select a different document/record type - Customers, for example:


1.      Click the 'down' arrow on the Search... button:




2.      A drop-down menu appears, listing various document/record types. Either:



The selected document/record type is made active in the Finder. For example, if you selected Customers your customer records will now be listed in the Finder.


What Next?

At this stage you may view details of your selected documents/records in the Finder and if necessary:

Note: Rather than using your mouse, it is possible to use your keyboard to activate the required record type in the Finder, browse records in the Finder, then open the record in a new tab or add it to an open document. See Using Keyboard Shortcuts With The Finder.


NEXT: Browsing Records In The Finder