Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Creating Special Prices From A Sales Document: Overview

You may use the Line Pricing window (Negotiation View) to view and manipulate a range of price and cost variables for a Product line when a sales document is open. You then have the ability to save the negotiated price criteria as a Special Price. This price will subsequently be presented to the customer if they order the product in future.


What Is A Special Price?

Quantum VS offers the ability to create several types of several price. Fixed Price (Type 1) Special Prices may be created from within a sales document.


A Fixed Price (Type 1) Special Price is a special discounted price - saved as a Special Price record - which applies to a specific Product and Customer (or Customer Site). When the Customer orders a Product for which a Special Price record exists they will be offered this 'special' discounted price rather than the standard line price.


Note: For details on creating other Special Price types see Special Price Maintenance.


From Which Sales Document Types Can You Generate Special Prices?

Fixed Price (Type 1) Special Prices may be created from within the following sales document Types: Sales Order, Quote, Sales Enquiry, Sales Contract and Credit Note.


Why Might You Create A Special Price For A Customer?

The Sales Clerk may negotiate with the customer and specify a discount price for a Product line as an incentive to get the customer to make a purchase. This new price is set by manipulating the price variables in the Line Pricing window (Negotiation View).


If Special Prices are not set up, these new line prices negotiated with the customer act as 'one-off' discounts. They will apply to the current document (and customer/product) only.


However, the Sales Clerk has the ability to save these negotiated line prices for future use, in the form of Special Price records. The advantage to the customer is that these 'special' prices will be offered the next time they place an order (or Quote, Sales Enquiry etc.) for these particular products.


How Are Special Prices Created From A Sales Document?

Creating Special Prices from sales documents involves the Sales Clerk:


On document Completion, a Fixed Price (Special Price Type 1) record is created for the specified lines (or line), specifying the 'special' price the Customer will pay for the Product.


In future, this discount will be applied (along with the other pricing criteria used by Quantum VS in determining the 'best price') each time the Customer orders the Product, for as long as the Special Price record is valid.


Should You Create 'Document' Or 'Product' Special Prices?

There are two ways of generating Special Prices from a sales document. You may generate Special Prices for:


What If Both Of The Above Methods Are Used For Creating Special Prices?

The Sales Clerk may in theory use both of the above methods of generating Special Prices from the sales document; i.e. (1) updating Special Prices for individual lines via the Special Prices tab of the Line Pricing Window (Negotiation View) and (2) updating Special Prices for all lines via the Properties: Document panel. The Update Special Prices Priority flag in the Price Book Flags: Selling Record specifies which takes precedence; i.e. whether Special Prices will be generated for all lines or for the individually-selected lines.


What Additional Options Are Available When Creating Special Prices From A Sales Document?

Additional options include specifying whether any newly-generated Special Price will:


Examples: Generating Special Prices From A Sales Document

On January 1, Customer X places an order for a Hammer, a Drill and a Saw. The standard line price of each of these products is £10. As an incentive to purchase, the Sales Clerk sets up a new line price of £9 for the Hammer, £8 for the Drill and £7 for the Saw, then Completes the order.


On March 1, Customer X returns and places another order for the Hammer, Drill and Saw.


If the Sales Clerk had not generated Special Prices from the January 1 order, on March 1 Customer X will be charged the standard line price of £10 for each item (assuming no other Special Prices or discount criteria exists and they have not negotiated another one-off discount).


However, imagine the Sales Clerk had generated Special Prices on the January 1 order using the Document option (i.e. generate Special Prices for all lines). On March 1, Customer X will be charged the Special Price of £9 for the Hammer, £8 for the Drill and £7 for the Saw (assuming each Special Price record is still valid).


Alternatively, imagine the Sales Clerk had generated Special Prices on the January 1 order using the Product option (i.e. generate Special Prices for selected lines), for the Drill only. On March 1, Customer X will be charged the Special Price of £8 for the Drill (assuming this Special Price record is still valid), but will be charged the standard line price of £10 for the other items, as no Special Product record exists for these Customer/Product combinations.


Special Price System Settings

The following fields in the Price Book Flags: Selling Record are used to apply Special Price-related system settings:


NEXT: Generating Special Prices From A Sales Document