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Insufficient Stock And Back Orders

Insufficient Stock Warnings

When you add order lines for which insufficient stock is available, the Warning: Insufficient Stock window displays, allowing you to choose from a number of options, including:

See When You Receive An Insufficient Stock Warning.


You may back order stock following a picking or despatch deficiency (e.g. because items are damaged or missing).


Back-To-Back Sales And Purchase Ordering

An alternative when you either cannot, or do not wish to, use free stock to fulfil an order, is to raise a Back-To-Back Sales and Purchase Order. On Completion of the Sales Order the lines will either be allocated automatically to a Purchase Order, or can be allocated manually, to 'back order' the goods from the Supplier. See Back-To-Back Sales and Purchase Orders.


Checking Stock Levels / Back Order Quantities

Note that:


Releasing Back Order Stock To Sales Orders

When stock placed on Back Order arrives at your warehouse or office, you will then need to allocate (or release) that stock to Sales Orders. See Releasing Back Order Stock To Sales Orders.


NEXT: When You Receive An Insufficient Stock Warning