Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Working With Picking Notes

A Picking Note is a document listing product lines and quantities which are being picked for a Sales Order.


A Picking Note is created on the system automatically when a Sales Order is Completed (* except in the case of Direct orders). A Picking Note may then be printed off as a hard copy to be used as a checklist by the warehouse operator (or similar). They will check the product lines and quantities as they are picked and record any variance. The Picking Note may then be Confirmed.


On some systems Picking Note printing and/or confirmation may be automated.


See The Picking Procedure below.


This section covers:

The Picking Procedure

The Printing and/or Confirmation of Picking Notes may be configured to take place automatically or manually in your environment, based on the order type (Collected and/or Delivered). See The Picking, Delivery Assembly, Despatch And Invoicing Cycle.


If your system is set up for manual Picking Note Printing and Confirmation for Collected and/or Delivered orders, the picking procedure will involve all of the following tasks for Collected and/or Delivered orders. However, some or all of the following may be bypassed if automatic Picking Note Printing and/or Confirmation is enabled for Collected and/or Delivered orders:

Note: You may optionally print Address/Product labels on Confirming the Picking Note. See Printing Labels On Picking Note Confirmation.


In a retail-type environment where Customers 'pick' the goods themselves, the system will be set up for automatic Picking Note Printing and Confirmation for Collected and Delivered orders, meaning it is not necessary to perform the above tasks.


In other environments, either the Printing or Confirmation of Picking Notes may be automated for Collected and/or Delivered orders, meaning it will be necessary to perform some but not necessarily all of the above tasks.


Once the Picking Note has been Confirmed, the system automatically creates a Despatch Note for the next stage of the Picking, Despatch and Invoicing procedure. See Working With Despatch Notes.

When Goods Are Unavailable For Picking

A Picking Note may only be created for allocated (i.e. available) stock. If every ordered item is in stock, typically everything can be picked in one go and just one Picking Note will be generated. However, if one or more items on a Sales Order are out of stock and placed on back order - see Insufficient Stock And Back Orders - additional Picking Notes will be generated when the back ordered items become available.

Retrieving And Opening Picking Notes

There are various methods of retrieving and opening a Picking Note. See Finding And Opening The Picking Note.


An additional Picking Note tab - Packing Details - lists numbers of picked pallets/boxes/other packaging types if these were entered when the Picking Note was Confirmed. See Entering Packing Details.


Note: If Document Scanning is enabled, the Scan option displays in the Toolbar - Sub Menu when the Picking Note is open. This enables you to scan and archive physical documents for storage against the Picking Note. See Scanning From An Open Document.


NEXT: Printing A Picking Note Manually