Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Viewing Product Stock Details

You may wish to review the stock details for a Product. It may be useful to review stock levels of a Product prior to adding it to a Sales Order, for example, to check the amount of Free Stock available at a particular Branch.


There are several ways of viewing a Product's stock details:

Note: If the Warning: Insufficient Stock window appears when adding a Product line see Insufficient Stock And Back Orders.

Viewing Branch Stock Records For A Product

When you have added a Product to a Sales Order - see Adding Product Lines - you may wish to review stock levels of the Product, such as the amount of Free Stock available at a particular Branch.


To view a Product's stock details at each Branch, click the View hyperlink in the Branch Stock column:




The Branch Stock window is displayed for the selected Product. For example:




See below for column definitions. Click OK to close the window.


If there is more than one page of results you may scroll forwards/backwards through pages by clicking the blue arrow keys and/or filter results by clicking Advanced and deselecting certain filters.


Branch Stock Column Definitions




Branch / Branch Name


The number and name of each Branch. The Company Stock line shows stock levels of the selected Product throughout the whole company.


Physical Stock


The quantity of this Product currently in stock at each Branch.


Free Stock


The quantity of free (i.e. not yet allocated) stock of this Product currently in stock at the selected Branch.


Sales Orders


The quantity of this Product allocated to Sales Orders (i.e. the total quantity ordered, picked and delivered) at each Branch.


Ordered NOT Allocated


The quantity of this Product currently in stock at each Branch which has been ordered but not yet allocated to those orders.


This applies when there is insufficient stock to satisfy the quantity ordered and the user does not force allocation. The quantity of stock available to those orders will become allocated while the remainder will be placed on back order. So allocated stock is the 'collective' stock that has specifically been allocated by the user (see below).


Ordered AND Allocated


The quantity of this Product currently in stock at each Branch which has been ordered and allocated to those orders (see above), but not yet picked or delivered.


Picked NOT Delivered


The quantity of this Product currently in stock at each Branch which has been picked but not yet delivered.


Delivered NOT Invoiced


The quantity of this Product currently in stock at each Branch which has been delivered but not yet been invoiced for.


Back Ordered


The quantity of this Product currently in stock at each Branch which has been placed on Back Order.


On Order


The quantity of this Product which has been ordered but has not yet been received into stock, relating to each Branch.




The quantity of stock of this Product which the system has suggested (by running the Suggested Orders Report) that each Branch re-orders.


Weeks Cover


The number of weeks (e.g. 52) for which stock will cover expected customer demand at each Branch.




Shows the Product's stock ranking, as follows:

  • A - Primary Stock Ranking (Daily/Weekly Verification). Products ranked A, B and C are the top three stock rankings in descending order. Products with a Primary stock ranking are considered to be fast moving products and therefore must always be kept in stock.

  • B - Secondary Stock Ranking (Fortnightly/Monthly Verification).  

  • C - Tertiary Stock Ranking (6 Weekly/12 Weekly Verification).

  • O - Obsolete Stocked Product. This denotes a product that you are no longer stocking (i.e. ordering in), although you may have some still remaining in stock. At Sales Order Entry the system will warn the operator that the stock is now obsolete, but the sale will be completed if goods are available.

  • T - Temporary Stocked Product. This denotes a Temporary stock record such as a 'special' (Special Offer).

  • Z - Non-Stocked Product. This denotes a product not stocked at this branch.


Last Sold


Shows the date on which the Product was last sold at each Branch.


Last Received


Shows the date on which the Product was last received into stock at each Branch.


Last Count


Shows the date on which a stock count of the Product was last taken at each Branch.



NEXT: Insufficient Stock And Back Orders