Quantum VS Help: Document Scanning

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Document Scanning: FAQs

What Needs To Be Set Up In Order To Perform Document Scanning?

See Setting Up Document Scanning.


What Are Blueprint Files?

Each document type for which data recognition is performed - Picking Notes and Despatch Notes - has a separate blueprint file. This defines the areas of the scanned document where the system will focus in order to detect relevant data - document type, document number, bar code and page number - so that the image can be matched against the equivalent document on the system.


Since each company's Picking Notes and Despatch Notes are unique, the relevant blueprint must be set up in advance. This will be done initially by an EDP implementer. It is intended that functionality will be extended to enable Quantum VS-using companies to configure their own blueprints.


Document types for which data recognition is not performed (e.g. Purchase Invoices, Goods Received Notes and Batch Certificates) are not associated with a blueprint.


Who Can Perform Document Scanning?

Users performing document scanning must be assigned a Role in which one or more 'Document Scanning' User Permissions are enabled. This will enable them to scan and/or search for scanned images for a defined document type (Picking Notes, Despatch Notes etc.).


Quantum VS-using companies wishing to perform document scanning will need to have the Optional Enhancement Modules > 004 Document Scanning switched on, and the appropriate document type (Picking Note, Despatch Note etc.) enabled.


For further details see Setting Up Document Scanning.


How Do I Scan A Document - Or Documents?



To scan Despatch Notes or Picking Notes in bulk:


Then, in the Scan Documents tab:


The documents will be scanned. Subsequently you can detect document data - and edit it as necessary - before archiving the scanned images for subsequent retrieval.


For further details see Bulk Document Scanning.

How Do I Attach A Document - Or Documents?

To attach a document(s) for archiving against an individual Despatch Note, Picking Note, Purchase Invoice, Goods Received Note or Batch Certificate:


Then, in the Scan Documents tab:


The attached document image (or images, if multiple documents were attached) will be saved against the document for subsequent retrieval.


For further details see Individual Document Scanning.


How Do I Search For And View An Archived Document?

There are two main ways of searching for - and then viewing - archived documents.


You can use the Finder for the relevant document type to search for the required document. To view the document:


Alternatively, use the Search area of the Scan Documents tab to search for - and view - documents. You may search for a specific document, and/or filter by document date or status (e.g. Not Validated, Valid, Invalid, Deleted, Unexpected Document, Duplicated).


For further details see Working With Archived Documents.


What Else Can I Do With An Archived Document?

When viewing an archived document in the Scan Documents tab, you may:


For further details see Printing, Saving And Emailing Archived Documents.


Can I Scan Or Attach A Multi-Page Document?

Yes. This is useful when the document you wish to scan has more than one page.


With bulk document scanning, when scanning a Picking Note or Despatch Note which has multiple pages, the system will attempt to read the page number so that each individual scanned image (page 1, 2 and so on) comprising the multi-page document is archived against the electronic document on the system. The user may manually edit the 'recognised' page number as necessary.


Note: When scanning a multi-page Picking Note or Despatch Note, individual scanned page images are saved as a multi-page PDF by default. This is defined in the document's blueprint.

What Happens When Documents Have Multiple Images Saved Against them?

Any record with more than one document image stored against it has an image6.gif against it in the Duplicate Check column when searching for archived documents. You may then check whether the same image has been scanned more than once and take appropriate action. See Working With Duplicate Document Images.


NEXT: Setting Up Document Scanning