Quantum VS Help: Document Scanning

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Scanning And Archiving Documents

In Quantum VS there is the facility to use a document scanner to scan physical documents - such as Despatch Notes - and store them against their electronic counterparts on the system. These may then be retrieved for viewing, printing off, or emailing to a customer.


To understand the main document scanning concepts see the Document Scanning: FAQs.


For the prerequisites and steps to follow to set up document scanning for use in Quantum VS see Setting Up Document Scanning.

Documents are added to the list in the Scan Documents tab as they are scanned or attached. At any time until they have been archived you may view a selected document, reorder listed documents and delete listed documents. See Viewing, Reordering And Deleting Documents.


When documents have been scanned and archived you may retrieve them using the Finder or using the 'Search' area of the Scan Documents tab. You may retrieve and view single or multiple archived documents to check the signature and other details, and print, save and email documents as necessary. See Working With Archived Documents.


This section covers:


NEXT: Document Scanning: FAQs