Quantum VS Help: Call Manager

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Call Manager

Call Manager is Quantum VS's integrated telephony/TAPI system, enabling users with a telephone and/or headset to:


When working with incoming or outgoing calls you may:


To understand the features available in the Call Manager screen see Understanding The Call Manager Screen.

Viewing Call Details In Quantum VS

Details of incoming and outgoing calls are displayed in two main areas:


Notifications Tab

If you receive an incoming call, or make an outgoing call by clicking on a telephone number, details of incoming/outgoing calls display automatically in the Notifications tab in the bottom-right of your screen:




The Call Manager Screen

The Call Manager screen is the main area for viewing call details and accessing related features. See Understanding The Call Manager Screen.

Setting Up Call Manager/TAPI Facilities In Quantum VS

The Call Manager section of Quantum VS Help assumes your system has all required telephony features set up and working.


To set up Call Manager in Quantum VS see Setting Up Call Manager.


If you are running Quantum VS alongside the VECTA sales intelligence application you will need to download and run the separate Desktop Link application - see Using Desktop Link.


NEXT: Understanding The Call Manager Screen