Quantum VS Help: Credit Control And Reviews

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Defining Credit Review Letters

Letter templates may be used for various Credit Control-related tasks. For example, you might send a customer a letter to chase a late payment, or to ask them to top up their account as they are close to their credit limit.


A specific letter template is associated with a Credit Review by adding a 'Send Letter' Action, or a Rule containing a 'Send Letter' Action, to the Credit Review Ruleset. See Adding Actions and Adding Rules.


When adding a 'Send Letter' Action to a Credit Review Ruleset there are two basic options when choosing a letter template. You may select either a PDF Template or a Word Mail Merge document template.


IMPORTANT: The actions described in this section are relevant only if you will be creating and using Word Mail Merge document templates in your Credit Reviews.


If you wish to use Word Mail Merge document templates in your credit Reviews, the procedure is:


When you have defined your Credit Control letter you may run a Credit Review. When you click Submit Actions, the document is opened in Word. Individual letters are automatically generated for each customer, each separated by a page break, with the Mail Merge fields populated with information from the Quantum VS Customer record. These letters can then be printed as necessary. See Running A Credit Review.


Note: To see an example of a simple Credit Review Ruleset you may wish to create and customise in order to send Credit Control letters to defined customers, see Ruleset Example: Sending A Credit Control Letter.


This section covers:


NEXT: Creating A Credit Review Letter In Word