Quantum VS Help: Credit Control And Reviews

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Ruleset Example: Sending A Credit Control Letter

In this example you will create and run a Credit Review Ruleset which will:


This involves creating a Ruleset with just one simple Rule, comprising a send Letter' Action, as described below:


1.      First you will need to ensure a suitable letter template is available on your system. PDF Templates can be used for this purpose; these are set up by Quantum VS Professional Services.


Alternatively you may use a Microsoft Mail Merge document. For the steps involved in setting this up see Defining Credit Review Letters.


For this example we will assume that you have created, saved and added to Quantum VS a letter template called 'sendcheque'.


2.      You may now create a new Credit Review Ruleset, as described in step 1 of Creating A New Credit Review Ruleset.


3.      Add a new Rule, as described in Adding A New Rule To A Ruleset.


4.      The Insert Rule window is displayed. The next step is to defined 'Check' criteria for the Rule, which specifies the customers for which Actions will be applied, as described in Defining The Rule's 'Check' Criteria.


For this example, select the following values in the 'Check' fields:


You have now defined the 'Check' criteria for the Rule: i.e. Check customers whose Account Status is 'Account On Stop - Need A Cheque'.


5.      The next step is to define True and/or False Actions for the Rule.


When you specify a True Action within a Rule, this Action will be executed for customers who meet the Rule's 'Check' criteria. When you specify a False Action within a Rule, this Action will be executed for customers who do not meet the Rule's 'Check' criteria. You may specify a True Action AND a False Action (i.e. if true, do X; if false, do Y); or you may leave either the True Action or False Action section blank, meaning that no Action will take place if the Rule's 'Check' criteria are met (if the True Actions section is blank) or not met (if the False Actions section is blank).


To do this for this example:

To do this, follow the procedure described in Adding Actions Within A Rule.


Note: For this example Rule you do not need to define a False Action, as you do not want anything to happen with customers whose account Status is NOT 'Account On Stop - Need A Cheque'. If you wished to create your own version of this Rule you could define False Actions as you wish, and even add further True Actions.


You have now defined a Rule within the Ruleset that will check customer accounts whose account Status is 'Account On Stop - Need A Cheque'. If this is true, they will be sent the letter 'sendcheque' (i.e. the defined letter/PDF will be printed for the selected customers) when the Credit Review is run.


6.      You have finished defining the Rule. Click OK to close the Insert Rule window, as described in Adding The New Rule To The Ruleset.


The Rule is added to the Credit Review Ruleset, listing the Check criteria and Actions. Note that Rules are marked in blue. Actions are marked in red.


7.      This example Ruleset is now complete. Save it by selecting Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


Note: In reality you may customise the Ruleset as you wish by adding Actions, Rules, Comments and Sections to suit your own purposes. See Creating A Credit Review Ruleset.


8.      You are ready to run the Credit Review. See Running A Credit Review. Select Start Credit Review on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to run the Credit Review.


9.      Once the Credit Review has finished running you may review the customers against which Actions have been flagged, prior to carrying out those Actions. See Reviewing Credit Review Actions.


The Review Information window will display the number of customers whose Account Status is 'Account On Stop - Need A Cheque', for whom the Action 'Send Letter' has been specified.


Check the 'Select' field against any customer to whom you wish the defined letter - 'sendcheque' - to be sent. You may Select All if necessary.


Note: You may leave customers unselected if you wish to defer the submission of Actions. You may re-open the Ruleset and submit Actions at a later time/date if you wish. See Deferring Credit Review Actions.


10.   When you are ready to submit Actions against the selected customers, click Submit Actions on the Toolbar - Sub Menu. See Submitting Credit Review Actions.


If the defined letter template was a:


11.   The final step is to indicate that the Credit Review has been completed. To do this, click Complete Review on the Toolbar - Sub Menu. See Completing The Credit Review.


The Credit Review is now complete and the tab is closed automatically.


After submitting Actions following a Credit Review, details of the Credit Review Actions are shown/updated in the Finder. See Finding Credit Review Actions.


You may view details of, and open, saved Credit Review Rulesets from the Finder if you wish to run the same Credit Review at a later time or date. See Finding Credit Review Rulesets.


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