Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Creating A New Kit

Building a new Kit involves a number of steps.


If you are creating a permanent Kit, before you create the Kit record you must first create a Product record flagged as a Kit. See Creating A Kit-Flagged Product Record (Permanent Kits Only).


Note: This is not necessary if you are creating a temporary kit (i.e. a Kit only intended to exist for a short period of time), as the Kit-flagged Product record is automatically created when you create the Kit record.


The next step is to create the Kit record - see Creating A Kit Record.


Once you have opened a new, empty Kit record you must define the Kit by:


Once you have entered these details you must save the new Kit record. See Saving A Kit Record.


Note: When the new Kit record is saved, an associated Works Order Process record is created automatically, featuring the Kit as the 'output' product. If you created a Temporary Kit, the Kit's linked Kit-flagged Product record is also saved.

Note: Please read Kits: Important Information before you attempt to create a Kit.


This section covers:


NEXT: Creating A Kit-Flagged Product Record (Permanent Kits Only)