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Creating A Stock Unit Record

Stock Unit records can be created to cross reference the 'base' stock unit with alternative units and quantities. A Stock Unit record can be linked to a Product record so that, when the product is added to a sales document, the Customer or Sales Clerk may enter a quantity in any one of the stock units available for the product, rather than being limited to ordering in the product's 'base' stock unit.


Example: The Acme Bathroom Tiles range comprises boxes of tiles of different colours. Each box contains 12 tiles, weighs 2 kilos and covers a total square meterage of 1.04. The product's unit of measure is defined in the Product record. So if the 'base unit' is Each, customers may only order a quantity of individual tiles.


It might help boost sales if you allow customers to buy these tiles in different units of measure, such as by the box, by the square metre, and even by weight, as well as individually.


This can be achieved by creating a Stock Unit record. Here you will define the base stock unit (e.g. each) and as many alternative stock units as you wish (e.g. box, kilo, m2). Features within the Stock Unit record make it easy to convert one unit into another (e.g. Box = Each multiplied by 12) and enter rounding requirements. The Stock Unit Record may then be linked with the Product records of all items in the Acme Bathroom Tiles range.


Note: For further details see Alternative Stock Unit Maintenance.


To create a Stock Unit record:


1.      Do one of the following:


A new Stock Unit record will open in a new tab:




2.      Enter/select main details for the Stock Unit record, using the following as a guide:


Note: You may use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next.


Definition (* = mandatory field)


Stock Unit *


Enter a name for the Stock Unit record. Up to 20 alphanumeric characters are available.


Typically the name will be relevant to the record with the product type or Product Group it will be associated with (e.g. TILES).




You may optionally enter a description. This might describe how the record will be used (e.g. for use with Acme Tiles product group).


Base Stock Unit *


Select the 'base' stock unit (e.g. each, m2, m3, box) from the available options.


These options are set up and maintained in the STKU Stock Units Table File (see Table File Maintenance).



Note: * = mandatory field


3.      Use the New Details fields to add Alternative Stock Units as required. You may add up to 10.


Returning to the example above: assume we have defined the Base Stock Unit (above) as Each. We now wish to add the alternative stock units Box and M2.


Adding Alternative Stock Units

To add Alternative Stock Units:


Returning to the example above: each box in the Acme Bathroom Tiles range contains 12 tiles and covers a total square meterage of 1.04. The Base Stock Unit is Each. Therefore, to create the alternative stock units Box and M2:


Alternatively, if the Base Stock Unit was Box you would do the following to create the alternative stock units Each and M2:


You may optionally enter a numeric value in the Precision menu for rounding purposes. This is useful for units of measure which will not return whole numbers (e.g. m2, m3). For example, entering a value of 3 for the Alternative Stock Unit M2 means values will be rounded to 3 decimal points.


Finally, click Add Alt Stock Item to add the new Alternative Stock Unit:




The unit is added to the Alt Stock Items list, showing the Stock Unit, Operator, Factor and Precision entry.


Continue by adding as many Alternative Stock Units as required.


To remove an Alternative Stock Unit from the list:



4.      Use the Alt Stock Popup field to define whether or not the Stock Unit Calculator window will display at sales document entry. If this field is:


5.      Use the Alternative Unit Details fields to specify the primary and secondary Alternative Stock Units for this Stock Unit record.


You have the ability to select up to 10 Alternative Stock Units for a Stock Unit record (see above). This section enables you to select a Primary and Secondary Alternative Stock Unit (in addition to the 'base' stock unit), which can be presented for selection at the sales document line entry stage. These are defined as follows:


Defining Alternative Unit Details

To define Alternative Unit Details, for Alternative 1 enter/select the following:

For further details see Selecting Stock Units At Sales Document Entry.


Repeat the above steps for Alternative 2 as necessary.


6.      When you have completed the fields as required, select Save from the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the new record.


Saved Stock Unit Records will display in the Finder. See Finding Stock Unit Records.


7.      After saving the Stock Unit record you will need to associate it with existing products. To do this, open the Product record and select this Stock Unit record in the Stock Unit field of the General Details tab (note: clicking F3 when the cursor is within this field will display the Stock Unit Finder). See Recording General Product Details.


NEXT: Editing A Stock Unit Record