Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Discount Against Sell Price (Special Price Type 3)

This Special Price Type is used to input up to two discounts that can be applied to the selling price of a range of products, for the specified customer. All other discounts/breaks will be ignored.


To create a Type 3 Special Price record:


1.      Follow the steps described in Creating A New Special Price Record to:


2.      Enter information in the various upper fields as necessary, using the following as a guide:


Note: You may use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next.


Definition (* = mandatory field)


Account *


Enter either the customer's Account Number (e.g. BA/0000010) or Short Name (e.g. Barker).


If you do not have either to hand you may use the Finder to locate and select the customer. Place your cursor in this field, click [F3] to make Customers active in the Finder, then double-click on the customer to select it. See Finding Customers for further details.


Branch *


Select the customer Branch at which the Special Price will apply. Use the default setting of All if you want the Special Price to apply to all branches, or use the drop-down menu to select a specific branch.


Site Code


If necessary, you may apply the Special Price to a specific customer site.


The All field is checked by default, meaning the Special Price will apply to all sites for the selected customer.


To apply the Special Price to a particular site, uncheck the All field then use the drop-down menu to select the customer site.


From / To Product Code *


Use these field to define the range of products the Special Price will be applied to.


If you do not have it to hand you may use the Finder to locate and select the Product. Place your cursor in this field, click [F3] to make Products active in the Finder, then double-click on the product to select it. See Finding Products for further details.



Note: * = mandatory field


3.      Enter details in the lower section, using the following as a guide:



Definition (* = mandatory field)


Use Sell Price As At


A product's price may be defined as price driven or date driven. If you are using Date Driven pricing, the product's price is determined by the dates set up against the price bands in the product record. For further details see Price Maintenance (Price Bands).


If you are using date driven pricing, you may enter a date in this field. This refers to a date specified on the product record. Therefore, when a product from the specified range is purchased by this customer, the 'special' price (i.e. the price which applies to the specified date) will be used instead of the price for the current date.


Discount Matrix 1 & 2 (Discount Surcharge 2 / 3)

If required, you may enter up to two additional percentage discounts which will apply to the product.


This will override the Discount Matrix 1 and 2 percentages applied on the Discount Matrix for this customer/price group combination.


Price Band *


A product's price may be defined as price driven or date driven. If you are using Price Driven - or Standard - pricing, the product's price is determined by the various price bands which can be specified on the product record. For further details see Price Maintenance (Price Bands).


If you are using price driven pricing, you may enter a price band in this field. Enter a number from 1-12. This refers to a price band price specified on the product record. Therefore, when a product from the specified range is purchased by this customer, the 'special' price band (i.e. the price which applies to the specified price band) will be used instead of the 'normal' price band.




Check this field if you wish to force the system to use this special price for this product and customer combination, regardless of whether it is actually the 'Best Price' that Quantum VS can calculate.


Apply Collection Discount?


Check this field if you wish to allow Collection Discount to be applied in addition to the Special Price.


The amount of Collection Discount is specified in the Collection Discount field under the Main tab of the Product Record. For further details see Product Maintenance.


Net Flag *


This field controls how the sale price is shown on sales documents for the customer when they buy products for which that Special Price applies. There are four available options:


0 = Show all discounts

1 = Hide Regulator and Break Discount

2 = Hide Regulator and Break Discount and Discount 2

3 = Hide Everything


If this field is left blank then the setting of 0 = Show all discounts is used by default.


For further details and examples see Discount Matrix Maintenance.


Date Effective


Specify the date on which the Special Price is to become effective over the normal selling price. Today's date is used by default but you may select an alternative using the drop-down calendar.


Date For Review


Specify a date on which the Special Price can either be deleted or reviewed. Today's date is used by default but you may select an alternative using the drop-down calendar.


The Price Book Period End process can be used to delete special prices which have passed their Date for Review Date.



Note: * = mandatory field


4.      To save the new Special Price record, click Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


The Special Price criteria will be applied when the specified Customer buys the specified Product, overriding existing discounts and prices which apply to that Customer and Product(s).


NEXT: Cost Plus Percentage (Special Price Type 4)