Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Creating A New Special Price Record

You may use Special Price Maintenance to create a new Special Price record from scratch, as described below.


Each Special Price record will apply to a particular:


Other options are available, including making the Special Price apply to:


Alternative Methods Of Generating Special Prices

There are alternative methods of creating a Special Price available:

Creating A New Special Price Record From Scratch

To create a new Special Price record:


1.      Do one of the following:


This creates a new blank Special Price record in its own tab (marked New Special Price) on your desktop:




2.      Use the Special Price Type field to select the type of Special Price you wish to apply, from the following options:


3.      Use the remaining fields to select:

Note: The available fields vary, depending on the Special Price Type chosen.


Click the links above for further details on each Special Price type.


4.      To save the new Special Price record, click Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


Applying The Special Price

When a Special Price exists for a particular Customer (or Customer Site) buying a particular Product (or from a certain Product range, Product Group or Price Group), and the Branch is able to offer that Special Price, this will be the price offered to the Customer.


Note: As the system automatically selects the 'best price', the line price will not necessarily default to the Special Price, as other discounts and pricing criteria may apply. However, there is the option to make the Special Price 'absolute'; i.e. force the system to use this Special Price for this Product and Customer combination, regardless of whether it is actually the 'best price' available.


Viewing Special Prices

Once created, Special Price records may be viewed in, and opened from, the Finder. See Finding Special Price Records.


When a sales document (Sales Order, Quote, Sales Enquiry or Sales Contract) is open, the Sales Clerk can check to see if Special Prices exist for the current Customer and Product line:


For further details see Viewing A Special Price Record.


NEXT: Fixed Price (Special Price Type 1)