Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Product Maintenance

This section deals with Product Maintenance, of which there are many aspects, as described below. Click the links for details:


Viewing A Product Record

Product details are stored in saved Product records. When you open an existing saved Product record you may view (and, in many cases, add and edit) information in the following tabs/headers:

Note: You may use the Customise feature to show or hide certain tabs in the Product record, or change the display order. See Customising Records.

Note: You may also define User Defined Fields and record 'user defined' details for your Product records. See User Defined Data Maintenance.


Creating A New Product Record

Creating Product records will be one of your main administrative tasks, both when setting up Quantum VS for your business and thereafter.


Creating a Product record involves opening a new blank Product record, entering the Product's details under the available tabs - Main, Quantity Breaks, Buying Details and Stock - and then saving the record.


Once the Product record has been created and saved, the system will then reference various details stored against the Product record.


Note You may set up product batch traceability on your system, to classify stock by a batch reference, serial number and/or bin location. See Product Batch Traceability Maintenance.


Cloning A Product Record

Click for details on cloning an existing Product record.


Editing A Product Record

Click for details on editing an existing Product record.


Deleting A Product Record

Click for details on deleting an existing Product record.


The following records and options also relate to Product Maintenance. In many cases you will need to create/edit additional record types:


Default Product Records Maintenance

System Administrators may configure default Product records so that when a user creates a new standard, Sheet or Timber Product, certain predefined field settings/entries exist, depending on the type of Product being created. This saves the time and effort of re-keying data when creating new Product records. These may still be amended as necessary.


Tools To Generate Product Sales

Various features are available for setting up 'Product recommendations' at the point of sale in order to generate additional sales, including Auto Add-Ons, Associated Products and Top Sellers.


Product Process Maintenance

You may set up additional 'process' options against a Product or Product Group so that these are made available for Customer selection when adding a Product line to a sales document (Sales Order, Quote, Sales Enquiry, Sales Contract, Credit Note).


Products And FIFO Maintenance

Quantum VS supports FIFO costing, a system of maintaining product receipts and valuations based on the buying cost at the time of receipt. You may view a Product's stock FIFO record, including receipt dates, types, quantities and average FIFO buying cost.


Luckins Product Maintenance

Quantum VS integrates with the Luckins catalogue, so that up-to-date Luckins product/price data displays in the Quantum VS Product Finder. When one of your customers wishes to buy a Luckins Product there are various simple methods of converting it into a standard Product record.


Kit Maintenance

Quantum VS enables you to group together two or more products into a 'kit'. A Kit is treated as a single product, so that instead of buying all of the individual component Products separately the customer may simply purchase the Kit.


Works Order Processing

Works Order Processing is a system enabling companies to sell products which require processing or assembly while avoiding the need to keep these items in stock.


Works Order Processing is used with two main types of 'output' product:


Pack Maintenance

Quantum VS enables you to create Packs which contain multiple pieces of a single Timber (or Sheet) product. These items may then be sold as Packs, rather than individual Products.


Text Product Maintenance

Text Products are not Products in the true sense. They are created in order to act as section headers which are then used in the Price List reports (Internal Price List report and Customer Price List Report) which may be used internally and externally.


NEXT: Viewing A Product Record