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Inventory History Tab: Viewing Product Batch Inventory Details

The Inventory History tab displays Product Inventory records for the selected product - providing the product is 'batch traceable' - see notes.


Note: A product may be flagged for 'batch traceability' via the Batch Bin Serial Flag field in the Issues & Stock tab of the Product record, meaning received stock may be tracked/traced by its assigned Batch Number, Serial Number and/or Bin Location. For further details see Product Batch Traceability Maintenance.

Note: A Batch Number, Serial Number and/or Bin Location is normally assigned to 'batch traceable' products when they are received into stock on a Goods Received Note. However, there is the option to assign these details after the stock has been received. See Adding Product Inventory Stock.

Note: No information is displayed in the Inventory History tab for products which are not 'batch traceable'.


To view Product Inventory (i.e. batch) records for a Product:


1.      Find and open the Product record for the required Product. See Finding Products.


2.      Select the Inventory History tab:




Product Inventory records for the selected Product - and Branch - are listed. You may use the Branch menu to show Product Inventory records for a selected Branch.


Click the Batch Number or Bin Location hyperlink to view a Product Inventory record in a separate tab. See Viewing Product Inventory Records.


Note: A hyperlinked Batch Number (representing the batch number or serial number of the stock) is displayed if the product is flagged for batch traceability using the 'Batch Ref' or 'Serial No' method. A hyperlinked Bin Location (representing the current bin location of the stock) is displayed if the product is flagged for batch traceability using the 'Multi-Bin' method. For further details see Product Batch Traceability Maintenance.


For each available Product Inventory record the following details are also displayed:



NEXT: Adding Product Inventory Stock