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Viewing Product Inventory Records

A Product Inventory record is created - or updated - when either:


Note: A 'batch traceable' product is a product flagged as Batch Ref, Multi-Bin or Serial No. in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field in the Issues & Stock tab of the Product record. This means it can be traced through a batch reference, bin number or serial number.


To find and open a Product Inventory record do one of the following:


Each Product Inventory record shows the Batch Reference, Serial Number and/or Bin Location and other product details. Information is displayed in the following tabs:


Note: A User's ability to open Product Inventory records and view them in the Finder is controlled by the User Permission: File Maintenance > Batch Stock > View. See Product Inventory (Batch Stock) Records: User Permissions.

Main Tab

The Main tab - displayed by default - displays main batch/bin/serial number details. For example:




These fields show the following:



Displays the...


Core Details




Branch which created this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record.




Product Code of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number), plus description.


Batch Number


Batch Number, representing the batch number or serial number of the stock. This may be used to track the goods.


Note: This field does not display for products flagged for batch traceability using the 'Multi-Bin' method. A Batch Number is displayed only if the product is flagged for batch traceability using the 'Batch Ref' or 'Serial No' method.

Bin Location


Bin location of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record.


Note: It is not mandatory to record the Bin Location if the product is flagged for batch traceability using the 'Batch Ref' or 'Serial No' method. Recording the Bin Location is only mandatory if the product is flagged for batch traceability using the 'Multi-Bin' method.



Status of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record. This can be: Available (i.e. free to be sold) / Used (i.e. there is no stock left) / Fully Allocated (i.e. all stock has been allocated to Sales Orders) / on Automatic Hold (i.e. automatically held for inspection) / on Manual Hold (i.e. manually held for inspection) / In Transit / Not Used.


Held Reason


Reason why the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record have been held for inspection - if manually held for inspection.


Note: Held batches cannot be sold until they have been inspected. To release stock which is being inspected you will need to retrieve and amend the Status of the Product Inventory record from one of the 'held' statuses to 'Available'. See Editing A Product Inventory Record.

Cost Price / UoM


The cost price and unit of measure of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record.


Unit Weight


The unit weight of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record.


Sell By Date


The 'sell by' date of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record - if one applies.


Shelf Date


The 'shelf expiry' date of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record - if one applies.


Certificate No


The Certificate number of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record - if one applies.


Quantities Summary




Actual physical quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number.




Free quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number (i.e. the quantity free to be sold).




Quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number which have been invoiced.


Receipt Details




Goods Received Note on which the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record were received into stock. Click the hyperlink to view the Goods Received Note in a separate tab.


Note: This will not be displayed if the batch forms part of a Kit.

Purchase Order No


Purchase Order on which the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record were ordered. Click the hyperlink to view the Purchase Order in a separate tab.


Note: This will not be displayed if the batch forms part of a Kit.

Receipt Date


Date on which the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record were received into stock.


Last Issue Date


Date on which the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record were last issued from stock.


Last Stock Take Date


Date on which the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record were last included in a stock take.


Supplier Account


Account Code of the Supplier of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record.


Supplier Advice Note


The Supplier Advice Note reference from when the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record were received into stock.


Last Issue Date


The date of the most recent 'issue' (e.g. sale, IBT) which includes this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record.


Quantities Tab

The Quantities tab displays quantities of the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record, as well as the core details (see Main tab above). For example:




These fields show the following:



Displays the...




Original receipt quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number.




Actual physical quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number.




Free quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number (i.e. the quantity free to be sold).




Quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number which have been allocated to Sales Orders.




Quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number which have been picked but not delivered.




Quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number which have been delivered but not invoiced.




Quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number which have been invoiced.




Quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number which have been credited.




Quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number which have been returned.


On File


Current 'on file' quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number recorded at the last stock take.




Current 'counted' quantity of goods on this batch/bin/serial number recorded at the last stock take.



Quantities Tab: Timber Quantities

The Timber Quantities section, which displays in the Quantities tab for Timber and Sheet products, displays the metric dimensions (Size 1 / Size 2) and units of measurement (Stock Units) of the timber. Quantities - see above table for definitions - are displayed by Volume (m3), Pieces and Length (m2). For example:



Tracking Tab

The Tracking tab lists all documents on which the goods associated with this Product Inventory (i.e. batch/bin/serial number) record can be located, as well as the core details (see Main tab above). For example:




Click the hyperlink in the Document No column to open that document in a separate tab. The Document Type and Date are listed, along with the quantity of goods associated with this batch/bin/serial number included on that document.


Note: When a Product Inventory record is open you may also adjust the stock balance and transfer the bin location of batch traceable stock.


NEXT: Editing A Product Inventory Record