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Raising An IBT Request

In the first stage of the IBT procedure the Request/Receiving Branch (i.e. the branch which requires the goods) may optionally raise an IBT Request document to request the transfer of stock from an Issue (or Supply) Branch. On Completing this stage an IBT Request document is printed, or optionally faxed/emailed to the Issue Branch.

Note: This stage may be skipped: the Issue Branch - the branch which has the goods in stock - may create an IBT Allocation to transfer goods to another branch without the receiving branch having to request the goods first. See IBTs: Allocating The Goods.


Raising an IBT Request involves:


Once the IBT Request has been Completed and Printed the Request Branch may wish to recall the document using the Finder. See Finding The IBT Request.


Note: See Inter Branch Transfers for an overview of the full IBT procedure.


NEXT: Creating An IBT Request