Quantum VS Help: Finder

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Finding Back Order Lines

You may use the Finder to list, locate and open Back Order Lines; i.e. back ordered lines on Sales Orders. This includes:

which were Purchase Ordered from the Supplier prior to fulfilment of the Sales Order.


Note: You may use the Back Order Manager to list, locate and manage lines from Back-To-Back Sales Orders which have not yet been allocated to a Purchase Order. You may add Back Order lines to an open Purchase Order by double-clicking a line in the Back Order Lines Finder.

Note: Rather than using your mouse, it is possible to use your keyboard to activate the required record type in the Finder, browse records in the Finder, then open the record in a new tab or add it to an open document. See Using Keyboard Shortcuts With The Finder.

Displaying Back Order Lines In The Finder

To show Back Order Lines in the Finder:


Your Back Order Lines will be listed in the Finder. For example:




Note: You may change the sequence of records displayed - see Changing The Search Sequence.

Browsing Back Order Lines

If more than one page of records is displayed in the Finder you may click the blue arrow keys on the Finder Toolbar to scroll through pages of records and/or enter/select a page number. For example, entering 40 will show the 40th page of results. See Browsing Records in The Finder.

Opening A Back Order Line From The Finder

To open the Sales Order associated with the Back Order Line from the Finder, either:


The record will open in a new tab. For further details see Working With Sales Orders.


Note: You may retrieve documents related to Sales Orders - such as Picking Notes, Despatch Notes and Sales Invoices - by retrieving a Sales Order and opening the Tracking tab. See Sales Orders: Tracking Progress After Completion.


Additional Links Available From The Finder

Additional hyperlinks within each line enable you to open the following documents related to the Back Order Line:

The following hyperlinks are available for 'Back-To-Back' Back Order lines only:

Changing The Search Sequence

You may wish to alter the sequence in which the records are displayed in the Finder. To do this:


1.      Click Advanced on the Finder Toolbar.


2.      The Search menu shows the current order in which records are displayed. To change the sequence, select an alternative option from the menu.


Back Order Lines have the following Search sequence options:


You may also change the sort order by selecting either A to Z or Z to A.


3.      Click the search (magnifying glass) icon Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif on the Finder toolbar. The records will be re-sequenced.

Searching For A Specific Record

To find a specific record without having to browse through pages of records:


1.      Type an appropriate search term into the search field on the Finder Toolbar.


The search term you enter should relate to the Search option selected - see above. For example, if the Search option is Customer Account then enter all or part of the Customer Account number.


Note: You may click the down arrow within the search field to view and select a recent search.


2.      Click the search (magnifying glass) icon Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif on the Finder toolbar.


The records will be re-sequenced in the Finder, with the nearest matching record displayed at the top.

Filtering Back Order Lines

You may use filters to control which records are displayed in the Finder. To filter Back Order Lines:


1.      Click Advanced on the Finder Toolbar.


2.      By default, Back Order Lines of all (a) Account Type, (b) Sales Order Status, (c) Purchase Order Status, (d) Invoiced, (e) Back Order Status, (f) Delivery Type, (g) Order Type, (h) Order Origin, (i) Stock Status and (j) Stock Status PO status are displayed in the results (i.e. all of the Account Type, Sales Order Status, Purchase Order Status, Invoiced, Back Order Status, Delivery Type, Order Type, Order Origin, Stock Status and Stock Status PO fields are checked). To reduce the number of results you may uncheck the following fields:


Account Type:


Sales Order Status:


Purchase Order Status:




Back Order Status:


Delivery Type:


Order Type:


Order Origin:


Stock Status:


Stock Status PO:

Note: Stock Status PO filters must be used in conjunction with the Stock Status filters (see above).


You must ensure that at least one filter from each category listed above is selected, otherwise no results will be returned. For example, to show ONLY Back Order Lines from Parked Purchase Orders:


3.      Click the search (magnifying glass) icon Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif on the Finder toolbar.


The selected records will be displayed in the Finder.


Note: To list all records again: check the All field in each category then click the search (magnifying glass) icon Gen_FinderSearchIcon.gif on the Finder toolbar.


NEXT: Finding Bar Code Records